It Was The Roar Of The Crowd That Gave Me Heartache To Sing

Chapter 20: Who Got Low?

"I can't see!" I screamed as I ran around. Something grabbed the collar of my shirt, and my feet nearly left the ground as I came to a stop.

“Have you tried opening your eyes?” Juliet asked.

“No, because that would mean doing the logical thing.”

“Open your eyes!”

“Okay!” I screamed and finally opened my eyes. Juliet was smiling at me, and I rubbed the back of my neck.

“Better?” she asked.

“Depends on your definition of the word better,” I mumbled.

“That means yes,” Mikey said from behind me.

“Does not,” I said while crossing my arms. Seriously, who said he was allowed to interpret my ramblings?

“Hey, what happened to your lip?” Mikey asked. He reached out like he wanted to poke it, and I had to slap his hand away.

“Something large and pointy connected with it, and my ear is still ringing too,” I said and rubbed at my left ear. My split lip stretched every time I talked, but it didn’t hurt as bad as before.

“Well, that’s what you get for going to an Avenged concert. It just makes people go...wild,” Mikey said.

“It was wonderful,” Juliet and I breathed together.

“Yes I am!” A hand came out of nowhere and connected with my already split lip, and I felt something trickle down my chin.

“Ouch, dammit, that hurt!”

“Oops, sorry, little one. I didn’t see you down there,” Jimmy said and patted the top of my head. I tilted my face up to look at him and smiled, depsite the immediate pain.

“It’s alright, big guy,” I said and reached up to pat his shoulder. I felt something hit my shoulder, and then I caught sight of pale skin and black hair. Another body rushed by, and I wasn’t the only one hit this time.

“What’s going on?!” Juliet yelled after the running figures. Bright red hair rippled and a pair of green eyes were wide in laughter.

“Hurry up! Someone’s going to get low tonight!” Audrey yelled.

“Get low?” Mikey asked.

“Like a shorty?” Jimmy added.

“Should we be afraid?” Juliet asked me.

“Probably...let’s go!”
♠ ♠ ♠

I know this one is extremely short, but I wanted everyone to know that I am still alive. At the beginning of summer, I dropped my computer and have been forced to enjoy an internet-less summer. Yeah, it sucked. I got a new laptop today, and I wanted to update something. The next one will be a lot longer, I promise.

One question...who do you think got low?