It Was The Roar Of The Crowd That Gave Me Heartache To Sing

Chapter 08: Full Moon Out

A pair of dark green eyes met mine, and the smile on his face made my blood boil. His black and blonde hair was still perfectly gelled, which I thought was a little eerie since he just got done playing a show. His five-eight frame blocked me from passing him, and I glared up at him. The rhythm guitarist, without any kind of tattoos or piercings, continued to stare down at me with that wide smile.

“Move, Gabe.” My voice surprised me. I couldn’t remember the last time I had sounded so angry.

“What are you in such a hurry for? Stay and enjoy my company,” Gabe said as his smile grew wider.

“Angel’s back here somewhere, and if you don’t move I’ll get her to come kick your ass. Again.” Gabe stepped to the side and let me pass, and I continued walking around backstage. I found the drummer next. He was leaning against a wall and twirling a drum stick between his fingers. His back was to me, so I quickly walked around him.

“Where is he?”

“Tara! I was wondering if you’d make it,” Lee said. One hand cupped the back of his neck, instantly signaling that he was nervous. I kept my gaze focused up on him, I didn’t have to look up too far since he was only five-six, but Lee never met my gaze. I let out a small sigh as my eyes traveled down to his left arm, which was tattooed with all his favorite drummers.

“Lee, tell me where he is,” I said and looked up at him again. He pushed some black hair out of his eyes, Lee’s hair was always messy, and the hazel orbs shined with unshed tears.

“They didn’t tell me,” Lee said quietly.

“They never do,” I said, just as quietly.

“He’s in the dressing room, fifth door on the left.”

“Thanks, Lee.” I walked away from one of my closest friends and continued walking around the maze-like backstage. It only took me a few minutes to find the room I was looking for, and a five-six body blocked my way to the entrance. Her wavy black hair was put up on top of her head, and her tank top showed the tattoo across her shoulders. My eyes quickly roamed over the MERCY tattoo, and I remembered sitting beside her while she got it. She had cried, and now she had an incurable fear of needles. Which is why she only has one tattoo and no piercings.

“Excuse me,” I said from behind her. Ice blue eyes met my own, but I didn’t back down. Mercy could intimidate a lot of people, but not me. I knew too much about her.

“Who invited you?” Mercy asked and crossed her arms.

“I’ve only been dating your brother for about ten years, so don’t give me that shit. I know he’s in there, so get out of my way.” Mercy smiled at me and started to walk off. She paused right beside me, and I knew what she was going to say before the words left her lips.

“I don’t know what he sees in you anyway, not that it matters. I’m sure he’ll find someone much better now.” My hand quickly found the door knob and I threw the small wooden door open.

The person standing in front of me didn’t jump. His back was to me, and our eyes connected through the mirror in front of him. I felt the blood boiling in my veins as my eyes soaked in his six-one frame. He must have taken a quick shower, because his shirt was off and his hair was still wet. My eyes quickly looked over his Halloween-themed tattoo, which covered his whole back, before moving back up to meet his eyes.


“Shut up.” My words were calm, but I was dying to start screaming at him. Kellan slowly started turning around, and I glared at him as he started to walk towards me. He didn’t stop until we were almost touching, and I could feel the heat rolling off his skin. The new blonde streaks in his bangs stood out against his black hair, and his dark brown eyes stared into mine.

“You can’t seriously be mad about this,” Kellan said. He crossed his arms over his chest, and I placed my hands on my hips. This stance looked very familiar…

“I’m supposed to be okay with you being a sell-out?” I asked.

“I’m not a sell-out!” Kellan yelled.

“Then what the hell do you call that?!” I yelled and pointed in the general direction of the stage.

“We got a better offer and we took it. You should be happy for me!”

“Happy that you’ve sold-out just to make more money?! What happened to all those speeches and rants about always staying true to yourself and your music, huh?!”

“It’s still me and my music!” Kellan yelled. I bit back everything I wanted to say and looked away. I took a few breaths and then turned back to look at him.

“Me or the music?” I asked. Kellan’s glare softened and turned into confusion as he looked down at me.

“You know I can’t give up my music,” Kellan said quietly.

“Then we’re through! Again!” I yelled and turned around. I didn’t hear footsteps behind me until I was outside, and a few moments later a hand closed around my arm. There were a bunch of fans pushing against the metal railing, screaming.

“Would you stop being so…you?!” Kellan yelled. Some of the fans stopped screaming.

“What’s that supposed to mean?!” I yelled back.


“What part of we’re over didn’t you understand?! Let me go!” I pulled my arm away from him, and I could hear a few shocked gasps coming from beside us.

“What’s with you?! You were fine yesterday!”

“I don’t—!”

“Wake up!” I bolted upright and blinked at the brightness of the room I was in. Bright blue eyes looked down at me, and I forced a small smile.

“What’d I miss?” I asked. Patti shrugged and handed me a nice warm cup, and I started to bring it to my lips. My eyes caught the gleam of my watch, and I nearly dropped my cup. I quickly handed it back to Patti and jumped up.

“Where are you going?!” Patti yelled after me.

“I’m late for an appointment!” I yelled over my shoulder. I quickly rounded a corner and disappeared from sight.

Tori’s POV

“Well, someone’s in a hurry,” I said as Tara disappeared around a corner. I fell into one of the empty chairs and closed my eyes.

“She’s always in a hurry,” Lindsay said from beside me.

“Because she’s always late for something,” Audrey said from my other side.

“How’s Max?” Patti asked. She was sitting across from us, with Aiden next to her.

“They said he’ll be okay. He’s got a mild concussion and a broken leg,” I said. The hospital had been a little under-staffed, so they had asked for help from anyone with medical experience. Angel and I were the only ones with any kind of medical training, so we had been helping the doctor for a while. After everything was done, Angel left and I stayed with Max.

“How long will they keep him?” Anna asked.

“Just until they’re sure his concussion won’t get any worse,” I said.

“Where’d she go this time?” Angel asked and looked around.

“Do you think she…?” Sam asked.

“No, she can’t stand him either,” Angel replied. The two disappeared around the same corner they had just come from, and I looked back at the girls sitting around me.

“Anyone else confused?” I asked.

“Just a little,” Lindsay replied. I leaned back in my chair and lightly rubbed my fingers over my eyes. It can’t get any worse, can it?

Tara’s POV

“Good morning, America!” I yelled.

“That’s it. Next time, I’m cutting you off the meds,” the middle-aged woman next to me said.

“Nancy! I love what you’ve done with you hair,” I said and smiled up at her. She lightly thumped the small bandage on my hand, and I pulled it to my chest.

“See you in another three years!” Nancy yelled.

“See you at Christmas!” I yelled back. I probably wouldn’t really see her for Christmas, but I sent her a present every year. She was my favorite nurse, which earned her a Christmas present.

“Ms. Christens?” I turned my head to the other side and smiled up at the old doctor. He too got a Christmas present from me every year.

“Do you know how my friend is doing, doc?” I asked.

“Slightly concussed with a broken leg,” Dr. Alberts said.

“Is he gonna be okay?”

“Yes, he’ll be just fine. How’re you?” I sat up in the bed and swung my feet over the edge. Dr. Alberts took a step back, and I stood up. I rocked my torso from side-to-side and smiled.

“It feels like everything’s fixed, doc,” I said.

“That’s the pain meds. You’ll feel the usual soreness when it wears off, and it’ll only last for a couple of days. Do you want a prescription this time?” he asked.

“Just the antibiotics is fine,” I said.

“I’ll go get the sample boxes and you can keep them. Get dressed while I’m gone,” he said and walked off.

“Aye, aye, sir!” I yelled. He closed the curtains to my little…area behind him, and I slipped the paper-thin gown off my arms. I was slipping my shoes on when someone busted through the curtain.


“It’s not me!” I yelled and threw my shoe. I peeked between my hair and saw a tall, skinny figure holding my shoe.

“A shoe, really?” Mikey asked me.

“Can I have that back, please?” I asked. Mikey flopped onto the bed beside me and passed me the shoe.

“Thank you,” I said and slipped it back on.

“Tara!” I jumped up and walked over to Dr. Alberts. He handed me a few small sample packets, which I was able to stuff into my back pockets.

“The usual?” I asked and gazed up at him.

“No more caffeine and lay off the protein for a little while,” Dr. Alberts said and looked down at me.

“What am I supposed to eat and drink then?” I asked.

“Soup and water,” he said and turned to leave.

“Soup and water? That’s not food!” I yelled.

“Sucks to be you,” Mikey mumbled and walked past me. I quickened my pace to catch up with him, and we walked out of the small surgery ward together.

“So, how’d you find me? I think I forgot to tell anyone where I was going,” I said. Patti had woken me up at five, which had been the time of my appointment. With everything that had happened last night, I had forgotten to tell anyone where I was going.

“Me, Raven, and Frank were playing hide-n-seek. I had a really good spot, until this guard found me. Your name came to my head first, so I told him I was looking for you. Then he shoved me into the surgery ward. Did you have surgery?” Mikey asked.

“Laser, it’s no biggie. It happens every couple of years,” I said.

“Sucks to be you,” Mikey said again.

“Would you stop saying that?!” I yelled.

“Shh! We’re in a hospital!” Mikey whispered. I glanced over at him before concentrating on where I was walking.

“I think playing hide-n-seek in a hospital is more disrespectful than yelling. Now, I have an idea,” I said.

“Does it involve bubble baths?”

“That’s Plan B.”

“Then what’s Plan A?”

“Max isn’t going to be able to play for a little while, because of the broken leg, so you guys could switch out playing for him or something. Or, you could use your other-worldly knowledge and find me a new bassist,” I said and looked over at him.

“Hmm, maybe—”

“New bassist!” I jumped and looked at the person now standing next to Mikey.

“L-Lee? What are you doing here?!” I whispered.

“Hi, I’m Mikey.”

“Lee.” The two shook hands while I just looked on.

“Do I really have to ask it again?” I asked.

“I left,” he said simply.

“What do you mean you left?!” I didn’t bother with whispering this time. We turned around a corner and saw a full waiting-room. All of the girls and guys turned to look at us, and I caught a glimpse of two Burger King crowns before two pairs of very pissed off eyes met mine.

“I knew you were off with them!” Angel yelled.

“You said it was completely over!” Sam yelled right after her.

“No, she wasn’t with Kellan! I quit the band and came looking for yall!” Lee yelled.

“Tough crowd,” Mikey whispered.

“Tell me about it,” I whispered back.

“It’s all lies!” Sam yelled.

“I didn’t even know the idiot was here!” I yelled.

“Who are you calling an idiot, you midget!” Lee yelled.

“Will someone tell us what’s going on?!” Patti yelled.

“Someone’s out to get us, and it has something to do with him and his band!” Sam yelled and pointed at Lee. The remaining members of Escape The Fate stepped forward and glared at Lee, who actually took a step back.

“I’d never hurt someone like that! And I quit the band!” Lee yelled.

“You’d never quit!” Angel yelled.

“Everyone, shut up!” The entire room went silent, and I peeked around Mikey’s arm. At some point during the yelling, I had decided that hiding was probably in my best interest. Max was standing in the doorway opposite to the one I was standing in. He was still wearing his hospital gown, and he was leaning heavily on a pair of crutches.

“Now, we’ll get to the bottom of the conspiracy crap later. Right now, some people need to leave and go interrogate our wonderful security guards and techs, because something obviously went wrong. This guy,” he stopped and pointed at Lee, “couldn’t have done it, because it was rigged way before the show. So, you people get to work and I need my nurse.”

Everyone stared at Max for a second, and then people slowly started moving. Tori went to Max’s side, and everyone else started standing up. I ducked behind Mikey and started pulling on the back of his shirt as I walked backwards. Mikey looked over his shoulder at me, opened his mouth to say something, closed it, and then shrugged. The last thing I heard before we disappeared around the corner was, ”There’s a full moon out!”
♠ ♠ ♠
I think I've said this on at least one other story, but I'm going to repeat it here. I've taken down the Character Chapter and all the links. If I ever get internet back on my laptop, I'm going to completely re-do the slideshow, and you'll be able to know what the characters look like that from that. Until that day, however, I'll just do a lot of describing (which I like doing anyway).

Oh! I want to make sure that everyone knows, if you're one of my characters and your name isn't mentioned in a chapter, it's not intentional. There's a lot of characters for this story, with more to come, and I tend to forget things easily. I try though to never leave someone out for more than one chapter. If anyone thinks I'm leaving someone out too much though (including both girls and guys), let me know! Also, if anyone ever thinks that I'm portraying their character wrong, feel free to let me know!

Also, if anyone has any ideas, I'm always happy to hear them. I want this story to be very long and epic, so any idea helps!

And thanks again to all my readers and subscribers, especially the ones who comment!