It Was The Roar Of The Crowd That Gave Me Heartache To Sing

Chapter 09: Making Plans

“What are we waiting for again?” Mikey asked me. We were sitting in front of my bus, in two lawn chairs with gigantic umbrellas, and sipping at our drinks. Mikey had some kind of energy drink, whereas I had to drink water.

“For the others to get here,” I said and took another sip.

“Okay, let me rephrase. What am I waiting for?”

“I don’t know. What are you waiting for?”

“You know, I’m not really sure.”

“Is something troubling you, Mikey?” I asked and leaned towards him. Mikey gave me a funny look and leaned towards me. Our faces were inches apart as we stared at each other.

“You sound like a shrink,” Mikey said and narrowed his eyes.

“Do you think it has something to do with my PhD in psychology?” I asked. Mikey gasped and fell back in his chair, and I stayed where I was studying him.

“I feel like I should be telling you all my darkest secrets now,” Mikey said and dramatically draped his arm across his face.

“Well, if you ever feel the need to, have at it. You’ve just eared ten free sessions for being my shield earlier,” I said.


“Let’s trade those ten sessions in for protection,” Mikey said and dove behind my chair. I opened my mouth to ask what his problem was, but then someone walked around the side of my bus.

“You!” the person yelled.

“Yes, me,” I said happily.

“Do you know where my brother’s hiding?” Gerard asked as he looked around.

“I haven’t got a clue,” I said. Gerard’s eyes looked around, and then they narrowed on the table between my chair and the one Mikey had been sitting in.

“Who’s drink?” he asked. I looked over at Mikey’s drink and sighed.

“Fine, you caught me. Mikey was here, but he was disposable. I threw him in the river. There? Are you happy now?” I asked.


“I’m here!” I tilted my head back to see that Mikey was now standing. I jumped out of my chair and hugged him.

“Mikey, you’re alive! I promise to never kill you again!” I yelled.

“Where have you been?” Gerard asked, completely ignoring mine and Mikey’s moment. Mikey pushed me back around my chair, and then he fell into my chair and dragged me down with him. We both squeezed into the space, and Mikey gestured to the open chair. Gerard slowly sat down and then looked over at us.

“I’ve been with her, the entire time,” Mikey said and patted the top of my head. Gerard looked like he was studying us, and Mikey and I watched him with dull expressions.

“Is there something you forgot to tell me?” Gerard finally asked. He was now just looking at Mikey, instead of going back and forth between both of us.

“Do you think we should tell him?” Mikey asked and looked down at me. I tipped my face up to his and tapped my chin.

“It’s probably better to tell him now before he finds out from someone else,” I said.

“We got married here in Vegas and we have twins on the way,” Mikey said.

“They’re names are Arnold and Romilda,” I said.

“We wanted to tell you sooner, but with everything happening—“

“It’s been eating Mikey up,” I said sadly.

“There’s something wrong with the two of you,” Gerard said and shook his head.

“He doesn’t sound like a happy uncle,” I whispered.

“He’ll come around, darling,” Mikey said.

“I should get hopped up on pain meds more often,” I said happily.

“What was that?” I jumped at the sound of the new voice and tried to bury my head in Mikey’s arm.

“I didn’t mean it literally, Aiden,” I said quietly.

“I know you didn’t. Just don’t say things like that, okay?” Aiden said, just as quietly. I felt her hand on my shoulder, and I smiled up at her.

“She can’t get hopped up on pain meds anyway, because she’s carrying my twins,” Mikey said.

“Exactly,” I said and looked over at him.

“I think he’s finally lost it,” Gerard mumbled to himself.

“Tara!” I didn’t jump this time. Instead, I lazily rolled my head to look at the newcomer. Lee was smiling down at me, and then he looked around at the other people around me. Then he started laughing uncontrollably.

“What’s wrong with him?” Aiden asked. The Way brothers just watched as he started gasping for air.

“There’s no telling. Where’s the others?” I asked her.

“On the way. Apparently we have a meeting to discuss…whatever happened,” Aiden said, still looking at Lee’s laughing form.

“Sounds like a good idea to me,” I said.

“I wish Kellan was here!” Lee suddenly yelled.

“What? Why?” I asked him. Lee straightened up and wiped the tears from his eyes.

“Think about who you’re sitting with, Tara. Really think about it,” Lee said. Something clicked in my head and I let out a small groan.

“It’s not funny, Lee,” I said.

“I think it’s hilarious,” Lee said.

“What’s so funny?” Mikey asked.

“Because I’m seriously lost,” Aiden said.

“It’s really nothing important,” I said quickly. I told my girls everything, all of my past tragedies and dark secrets. I had never told them about one thing though, because it had never seemed like a big deal. With present company, however, it was a very big deal.

“So, Gerard, would you like to know how Tara has been ripping you off?” Lee asked. I could feel Aiden and Mikey’s eyes on me, and Gerard leaned forward in his chair.

“Alright, picture this. Kellan and Tara have just gotten into this huge fight, and Tara runs off—”

“I wasn’t running,” I interrupted.

“Whatever. Anyway, Tara leaves and Kellan doesn’t catch up with her until they’re outside. There’s little fan girls screaming because Kellan’s shirtless, but him and Tara just keep yelling. And then Kellan’s all like, ‘What’s with you? You were fine yesterday.’ And then Tara said…” Lee looked over at me, and I could feel my cheeks warming.

“I don’t love you like I loved you yesterday,” I said quietly. My eyes connected with Gerard’s for a brief moment, as if I was trying to apologize for stealing some of his lyrics with my eyes.

“You never told us that!” Aiden said. I pulled my eyes away from Gerard’s and studied my hands.

“It didn’t seem that important at the time,” I said.

“You broke up with Kellan using a My Chem lyric. How is that not important?” Aiden asked.

“It just didn’t seem that important. It was the first thing that came to my mind, and I just yelled it out. Kellan really didn’t seem to like it.”

“I feel better knowing my wife used one of my band’s lyrics to break up with her ex,” Mikey said.

“You two are married?” Aiden asked.

“Isn’t it obvious?” I asked and smiled up at her. She rolled her eyes at me, but I could see her smile.

“You! Bus! Now!” Sam yelled as she disappeared into my bus. Aiden followed in behind her, and I saw the rest of the girls (minus Tori) walk inside.

“Well, sweetheart, I have business to attend to,” I said and stood up. I gave Mikey a quick kiss on the cheek and ruffled his hair before walking over to my bus door.

“What am I supposed to do?!” Lee yelled.

“You’re being babysat by the Ways,” I said and walked inside. I heard voices coming from the lounge area, and I grabbed a cup of coffee before walking in. I was still a little sleepy from all the pain meds, so I was hoping the coffee would wake me up a bit more. I stepped into the semi-crowded lounge and sat down.

“Sam?” Reina asked. Everyone else was sitting down, except for Sam. Sam nodded her head and then began talking. She told everyone about Kellan’s sudden text (all of the girls knew about me and Kellan), and then she began explaining the “conspiracy” theory.

“You know, it does make sense,” Lindsay said and looked around.

“You’re right. Who else would want to take us down?” Audrey asked.

“I say we go kick their asses,” Patti said.

“Maybe later,” Aiden said.

“I don’t think it was Lee though,” Reina said.

“I don’t either. Lee has never really gotten along with his brother and sister, and I don’t think the boy could be mean if he wanted to,” Angel said.

“Which means they have someone on the inside,” Raven said.

“And my bet’s on the guards,” Anna said. Angel and I exchanged a quick glance. We were the ones who had interviewed everyone. Which means that we were the ones who let someone who was against us in, and they hurt Max.

“Ideas, anyone?” I asked.

“You said the venue people have their own security, right?” Sam asked. I glanced over at Angel. She had been the one to talk to most of them.

“Yeah. Some of them were a little upset that we were bringing our own,” Angel said.

“I guess we’ll have to make their day,” Audrey said.

“What about the roadies and techies? What about our merch people?” Aiden asked.

“I don’t think anyone is safe,” Anna said and glanced around at all of us.

“Any of them could be in on it,” Raven said.

“We could do it all,” I said quietly. I felt everyone’s eyes on me, and I fiddled with the bottom of my tee shirt.

“Explain, please,” Reina said.

“Well, some of you girls are really good with instruments and whatnot. Those girls could be techies and whatnot. The rest of us, like me, could work the merch booths. As for loading and unloading instruments, we’ll all just have to pitch in. It’s not going to be easy, but if anyone can do it, it’s us, right?” I asked.

“Hell yeah!” a few of the girls yelled.

“It could work,” Aiden said.

“We could definitely do it, and I’m sure the guys would help each other out too,” Lindsay said.

“Then it’s a plan,” Patti said.

“Hey! What about me?!” We all turned our heads toward the voice, and I felt myself smile.

“Girls? What should we do with Lee?” I asked.

“I think we can give him a chance,” Lindsay said quietly.

“But he’s on probation,” Sam added.

“And if Escape will take him,” Anna said, and smiled innocently when Lee glared over at her.

“So, do I get to stay on this bus?” Lee asked with a wide grin.

“No!” Well, it looks like things are about to get crazier…
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn’t really like this chapter too much. Maybe it’s because it’s a filler…I’m not sure. I liked the whole Mikey part though. Mikey makes me smile :)

Anywho! I think I’m going to do the next chapter in someone else’s POV. So, does anyone want insight into anyone in particular’s mind? I could do one of the girls, one of the good guys, or one of bad guys. So, tell me what you think!

And thanks again to all my readers/subscribers/commenters!