Being a Father Is Not the Same as Being a Rockstar

Addie, we need to talk

I knocked slightly on the black door to Joey's room and turned the door knb slowly to open it. The door went ajar, as Joey was starting to pretend he was doing his homework. I asked him sneakily, "what are you doing? You weren't playing video games just a while ago were you?"

Joey gave a look as if, 'how did you know?' and 'are you insane?' I laughed and said, "Just kidding with you, Joey I'm so confused."

He said confusedly, "What're you so confused about? Are we going bakrupt?"

I laughd and replied, "No, of course not, don't let that come outta your mouth, got that?"

He nodded and I continued, "It's mom, I don't know if I should brake things off."

Joey sighed and said, "Dad, just do what you think it's right, I mean you're a grown man, you don't ned the approval of an 8 year old."

I smirked and said, "you're a smart kid, that's something I would've said, well not exactly cuz I wasn't that smart when I was 8, but getting to the point! I don't really know, I guess I'm thinking about you and Jake, before I do anything that might change your lives completely."

Joey nodded in comprehension and said, "good decision, but just do what you want, me and jake would be ok."

I smiled and said, "Thanks jo." I got up from his bed, rubbed his hair and left.

I headed down the stairs, all the way to the living room. I saw Adie sitting on the couch, reading one of her infamous books. I sat next to her and she continued reading her book, not looking up, I guess she must really be into it after reading it 3 times.

I said softly, "Adie, can I talk to you?"

She said in a low tone, "You already are, what is it?"

I continued, "Well, um, I think we should take the time to set things off."

She stopped reading the book and looked up, saying, "What are you trying to say?"

I replied, "That we shouldn't be together anymore, it's just that I feel that after I gave you a chance to change, you didn't take it seriously, you're just on your own all the time. It just makes me feel like I'm not even there when I'm near you, like if I was a white mark you just ignore."

She stared at me for a while and asked, "Really? I actually make you feel that way?"

I nodded sadly and she said, "Billie, I'm sorry, I'm just lost inside myself. You don't deserve to be with a person like me, you deserve somebody that's just great to you, not someone that makes you feel like shit everyday. If you really feel sure enough to break it off, I respect that and I understand that too. I just want to tell you that I love you so much and I want to be near you, but it feels so hard to because I'm a horrible person and I don't want you to be unhappy."

Tears started to come out of her eyes, just as tears were coming off of mine. I gave her a hug and a kiss. She hugged me tighter than I did and just didn't want to let go, just as more tears came out her great brown eyes. We pulled away and she kissed me passionately, I kissed her back, but wan't feeling that same fire anymore. I just wanted to be her friend, instead of her husband and what she could really use is a friend.