Being a Father Is Not the Same as Being a Rockstar

Hey I'm Jody

It's been a week and I'm starting to feel a little better, but my heart is still trying to get it's pieces together. It feels so horrible to be feeling this way, almost the kind of pain when I lost my dad, but it would never be the same pain. Whenever I took the minute to sit down, I always kept starring into nothing and my mind wondered somewhere else. Where am I gonna go from here?

I was at the kitchen island, sipping my second cup of coffee, was I really having it that bad? My thoughts kept going on and on, until they landed on Adie. I couldn't stop thinking about her no matter how hard I tried to forget about her and move on. That's when I went upstairs to get dressed and head to the local store, I needed some cigarrates and some booze, yup that's all I need. When I was finished, I wrote a small note, letting the boy's know where did I go, grabbed my car keys and left.

I got into my car, started the ignition, and pulled out the drive way. I was heading to 711, the only local store that was around when I was a kid. Once i arived, I parked on the front and headed insed with my shades on.
i headed to the back, where all the booze was at and grabbed a six pack of heniken, my favorite beer off all time that didn't tatse like shit. As I was heading to the cash register, I felt someone staring at me, but since I couldn't put my finger on it, I shrugged it off and kept walking.

As I arrived at the cash register, I put the beer on the counter and asked for a pack of Mesboro ciggaretts. The cashier a told me the total and I rummaged in my wallet for $3. 50. I fell across a $5 bill and handed it to the cashier. Then, I heard a small voice that belonged to a woman, saying, "Hey there, I noticed you and I was wondering what is your name?"

I turned towards her and replied, "Hey um, I'm Billie, I gotta go."

She smiled and looked a little confused by my rushing, but I kept walking away, besides, I wasn't even ineterested in her. I unlocked my car and loaded the beers on the back seat and closed the door. I opened the driver's door to get inside and I was being stopped by the same lady, why was she following me?

I turned and asked, "Do you have a problem lady?"

She shrugged and replied, "No, I just wanted to tell you my name, before I'll never see you again, that's all."

I slumped on the side of my car and wondered, "what is it then?"

She smiled and said, "Jovie Lynn."