Don't Think, Just Do

Chapter Two

The second chapter in Mushii Massacre’s Twilight Fan Fiction…


I stopped talking immediately as I saw the faces of the four new people I never met before. I felt a weird pull to something somewhere in the room, but that feeling was pushed to the back of my mind as I saw Edward’s expression.

Is this something bad for Nessie? I asked, he nodded slightly. My arm snapped back to push Nessie behind me protectively. Bella looked around confused. I looked at the four newcomers. One was a man; he was smiling lightly leaning against the wall close to Carlisle. He obviously wasn’t affected by the mood in the room. Then there were three girls, one was sitting on the couch’s arm rest with black shoulder-length hair and eyes like Carlisle’s family, this made me feel a little bit better about the situation. Then there was the red haired, red eyed one. The color of her eyes freaked me out. The third girl left me even more confused. She had normal brown eyes; I didn’t even smell that vampire smell on her. She smelled perfectly normal…like coconut or something.

She looked back at me with the same expression I wore; wariness and curiosity. The man talked first “Hello, I am Burlin…these are my daughters…Odyssey” he pointed at the one sitting on the arm rest and staring past me at the forest, “Matia” he pointed at the red haired one that was glaring at Edward, “ and Sebastian” he pointed to the small girl by his side. He had a thick accent of something I’ve never heard before.

“This must be the little girl that has the Volturi wetting their beds, eh?” he smiled walking closer to where we were standing. The girl he introduced as Sebastian grabbed his arm protectively. She muttered something too fast and low for me to hear…I don’t think it was even in English either. He nodded, sighed heavily and patted her head; she glared at him letting go of his arm and staring at Nessie in warning.

“Can I get a good look at the thing that my family and I are willing to go against the Volturi for?” he asked slightly irritated at Sebastian’s reaction. Bella snarled in response. “My child is not a ‘thing’!” The reaction time of Sebastian, Odyssey, and Matia would have been amazing…if it wasn’t for the fact that they were jumping in my direction. Sebastian and Odyssey were in front of their father in .2 seconds flat, and Matia was crouched directly in front of Bella ready to strike.

Burlin groaned; exasperated “Enough of this! We are here to help, End of story. If you are not comfortable with me meeting your child formally then fine” he stressed the word ‘child’ to Edward and Bella’s annoyance. He called something in their “secret language” to his daughters and they all slid out of their crouches slowly.
“Since we’re all here” he smiled “can anyone point out my room?”


“I’m sleepy” Jacob whined sitting on the ground and leaning his back and head against the wall. It’s been a few hours since the four Transylvanian’s came. Jacob was currently on guard against them…well it was more like he was on guard towards the three girls…their father was perfectly fine with the idea of protecting Nessie. It made Jacob wonder why the hell did they come in the first place if they were just going to be all mopey about it. He was downstairs next to the glass door, it was open to let a cool breeze in. Nessie was getting a little warm from Jacob being in the house all day so after a very loud argument, Edward caved and just compromised by opening the door.

Seth was knocked out on the porch outside, Jacob could hear his snores from where he sat, and Leah was probably stationed just a little bit farther into the forest. Stubborn little …his thoughts trailed as he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. The littlest Transylvanian girl walked down the steps and into the kitchen. Jacob set his head back against the wall again, but kept his eyes halfway open to watch her. He felt the weird pull in his chest again. He sighed deeply; rubbing his eyes with his palms.


Sebastian came back into the room. Now she was wearing red checkered pajama shorts…almost too short, they were almost reaching the top of her thighs… and a big black tank top that hung just a little bit above her shorts; a very different outfit than the one she was wearing a few hours ago.She had a bowl, a plate, and a glass of something I couldn’t see, balanced on her forearms. She skillfully walked out the door. She paused on the porch; with a glance in my direction, she ran straight to the woods.

“That was weird…” I stood up walking over to the door to try and see what she was doing; I couldn’t, so I plopped back down onto the spot where I was sitting before. “Who’re you telling?” Edward groaned massaging his temples.

“What’cha mean?” I stared at him…I kind of forgot he was there in the first place…
“I’ve been trying to read her and her sisters minds all day…don’t get me wrong; I can, sometimes...” He looked annoyed; it made me smile. Bella was sitting next to him with Nessie in her arms; she was staring at Emmett who was playing a loud shooting game on the T.V directly in front of both of them.

“I thought I was the only one you couldn’t hear…?” Bella asked quietly, curling Nessie’s hair with her finger absentmindedly. Edward nodded “you are, they are just harder to read.” She nodded her head in understanding. “They drift in and out when I’m trying to listen…it can be completely gone one second but then I can hear everything they’re thinking…its unnerving.” He drifted off.

“But…I can hear what she is thinking right now…” he said staring out the door again.
“So…are you going to tell us what the hell she’s thinking?” I rolled my eyes; I never was the patient one. He answered with a glare, and sighed.

“Well, she isn’t necessarily thinking right now. She’s talking with Leah.” Both Bella and my head shot up. “WHAT?”

“Shut up" he growled at me, "she brought some food and orange juice for her….” He answered; distractedly.

Emmett's head snapped around and Seth suddenly woke up, "We got orange juice??". They asked in unison. Bella laughed in response, as Seth speed walked into the kitchen.
“She’s not going to eat it, I tried to give her some water and clean clothes before and she lashed out at me.” Bella frowned in thought. “No…she’s actually being nice to her, she likes her” he said; his brows knitted together in confusion.

Okay, so Leah was being cool with a vampire, when the hell did the world freeze over?
Bella looked taken aback, then glared up the stairs, “I don’t like or trust them.”

“Ouch, did you hear that odyssey? Isabella doesn’t like us. It makes you want to cry doesn’t it?” Matia’s voice rang down the stairs as they descended. I heard Edward groan, Bella stood, rocking Nessie gently, since she fell asleep. “Bella don’t, she wants you to get up.” She ignored him as Matia stopped in front of her. “Hm, as much as I would love to fight you right now…I’m looking for Seb. So if you could be so kind as to move your ass out of my way, I would be much obliged, thank you.” And she walked briskly past her and into the kitchen, Odyssey snickered and sat down next to Emmett he smiled at her; handing her another controller.

“I hope you don’t mind getting your ass whooped.” She grinned sweetly. They both laughed.
“You can try, but no, I wouldn’t mind” he wiggled his eyebrows playfully.

“She aint in herrreeeeeee, sebbyyyyyyyy where are youuuuuuuuuu” Matia called from the kitchen.

“She went outside you retard, her scent leads out there. Dur.” Odyssey called back to her.
“Well it’s nice to know they feel at home.” Edward mumbled.

“She better get her butt back in here pretty soon. I’m thirsty and daddy said he wasn’t going to go hunting until Sebastian went to sleep.” Matia reappeared out of the kitchen looking at her phone. “She has six minutes before I kill someone in here…” she looked at the back of Bella’s head while saying this. Edward twitched, he must have heard something in her head he didn’t like, and she must have saw his little movement…damn vampires and their sharp eyes. She smiled evilly and pursed her lips.

“Hey Dizzy… you remember how daddy was telling us about certain vampires like us and the certain special powers some vampires have…?”She trailed off walking around the couch to be able to talk to both Edward and Odyssey. She sat on the table directly in front of Edward. It was relatively quiet tonight, most of the vampires were hunting or were outside enjoying the night air, so there weren’t many in the house right now beside Emmett, (Blondie’s out hunting) Bella, Edward, Odyssey, and Matia…I wonder what Sebastian is doing. I felt another tug, but this was towards the forest. I shook my head to concentrate on the argument unfolding in front of me.

“So Eddy” she smirked when she saw Bella’s eyes narrow. If she keeps this up there’s going to be some bloodshed. “I was wondering, what’s your power?” Edwards jaw clenched, by this time both Emmett and Odyssey were stealing peaks from over their shoulder. No doubt Odyssey was debating whether or not her sister needed help she shrugged, deciding Matia can handle it, while Emmett was wondering if he should stop the arguing.

“I don’t understand why you should be interested in-“She cut him off, acid in her tone.
“Humor me.” He glared at her and kept his mouth shut. Wow, I've been trying to keep his mouth shut ever since i met him, and she got him to do it in only a few hours.
“Fine…if you can’t tell me, I’ll figure it out myself…” and she jumped up from the table, Edward got up slightly before she did.

Edward jumped between Bella and Matia, and swung at Matia in the process she jumped back avoiding his swipe easily. She smiled when she landed on the other side of the room.
“So you can read minds!” she whispered, giggling childishly and clasping her hands in front of her innocently. “Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?” Odyssey cocked an eyebrow at her sister before returning to the game she was currently winning at; to Emmett’s dismay.
“Ugh, I swear Matia; you can’t go 5 minutes without fighting someone.” Odyssey groaned Sebastian laughed at Odyssey’s comment; walking through the glass door with the bowl, plate, and glass- emptied now of their contents, and slid into the kitchen without making a sound. She was back before the door could swing shut.

“Yay, you’re back! I won’t starve!” Matia smiled honestly; hugging her little sister. I smiled at her when she blushed- whoa! She blushed!? How in the hell can a vampire blush?!
“Um, excuse me” I waved my hand in the air to get their attention; it worked. “Yeah, I’m no vampire expert but I do know that vampires can’t blush so…yeah how can you blush?” She smiled lightly looking over at me. “I’m the weird vampire.” She shrugged. It was the first time any of us heard her talk, it was a shock. Her voice was like nothing I’ve ever heard; my mind went blank for a second. Then BAM!

I realized what the pull was…this can't be good...


I laughed at Seb’s lame explanation. She rolled her eyes and looked worriedly at Jake. He was staring at her really weirdly…his eyes looked glazed over…it kind of looked like he was gonna eat her.

“Well, as lovely as that explanation was…I’m freaking thirsty and daddy said I couldn’t hunt until you were either sleeping or were in the house, and since you’re here; in the house, I’m going out.” Emmett turned around slightly; still staring at the T.V. “Hey I’ve heard you say that twice now, what do you mean sleep?” I rolled my eyes on my way towards the stairs. “It means she sleeps, and dreams….surely you remember what a dream is… the things your subconscious makes up while your sleeping….and that of course comes with talking in your sleep…the whole shebang.” I patted Odyssey on the head, causing her to mess up on the level she was on, and skipped up the stairs. More and more of the little ‘Let’s save the abomination’ brigade was coming back from their hunting trips. It would be a perfect time to go hunting.

“Daddy, I’m going out!” I said, I didn’t need to shout because I know he heard me without even straining his ears. I heard him say some type of “okay” in response. He had been upstairs talking with Carlisle and Esme all day, it was too boring for me and Odyssey to listen to; so we came down stairs.

When I came back into the room I saw Odyssey sitting on the floor, leaning against the table in the middle of the room, with Emmett’s head on her legs, she was playing with some of Emmett’s hair. I smirked walking past them, someone is putting the moves on Emmett…I walked onto the porch where Jacob, Sebastian, and Seth were sitting. I like Seth, he’s a cute kid. If I didn’t notice the way Jake was staring at Seb earlier I would probably push her in his direction…no one wants to be alone.

I rocked on my heels beside them while I heard them talking. “Hey Seb” Sebastian looked back at me smiling still, I tilted my head in Odyssey and Emmett’s direction and all three of them looked back smiling. “Whoa, Blondie’s going to be pissed when she gets home” Jacob whispered low enough for only us to hear. I shrugged and walked towards the forest “I’ve been waiting for a good fight, I’ll be back in a few, don’t wait up” I added, setting off into a run. “Dont die!” I heard Sebastian call jokingly, and Odyssey laugh from inside the house.


I jumped out of the way of two trees that were too close together and grabbed onto one of the branches that were sticking down. I swung on it to the next branch, spinning around the whole tree and jumping to the next one. I already found a jogger that was on the trail a little too late for her own good; hey I gotta eat to you know. I slowed when I reached a little river, I smelled something…and it wasn’t a bear.

I shifted my weight to my left foot, crouching down with my right leg stretched out to my side, something wasn’t right. A snarl from behind caught me off guard; I back flipped into a nearby tree and scanned the area again. A blonde haired girl was staring back at me; her eyes were the same color as Odyssey’s which probably means that she is a part of Either Carlisle’s family or The Denali’s. I Jumped from the tree and looked at her, realization clicked, this was the ‘Blondie’ Jake was always talking about, this was Rosalie, and from the look she’s giving me, she must smell her family on me. I decided to have a little fun…you can never have too much of that right.

“Why hello Rosalie” I smiled in her direction; she glared at me. I tsk’d her mockingly. “So much hostility, no wonder those idiots back there think they have a chance fighting the Volturi, I mean who would want to go against someone like you?” Sarcasm is a wonderful language; did I mention I am fluent in it? Her eyes narrowed even more; if that’s possible. Ha, so I was getting to her…she’s very short tempered. “You know, if it wasn’t for the fact that my dad is so cool with Carlisle I would just kill the little beast myself…you know the half-blood?” She jumped at me then, I dodged it easily laughing. “You’ll have to do better than that princess” I purred spinning on my toes. She jumped at me again, this time I jumped into a run back towards the house; she chased me, like I knew she would. Hopefully Emmett and Dizzy are still cozy on the floor. I haven’t gotten much blood, so I really don’t feel like physically fighting anyone right now, but between her and Odyssey…now that would be fun to watch.

I laughed loudly egging her on; I got to the house finally. There were about three vampires outside; just talking, and they all stopped when they saw me running towards the house laughing, and Rosalie on my tail with anger in her eyes.

I didn’t slow down until I was all the way in the house; the safe zone. I jumped over the back of the couch and crossed my legs; relaxing before Rosalie even stepped foot in the room. As planned Emmett and Odyssey were still laying down; watching T.V completely oblivious to what was coming their way, Emmett’s eyes opened a little wider as he smelled her coming. It was too late by then. She screeched to a halt at the glass door. “Oh dear, this isn’t going to turn out well” I smiled from my seat. Odyssey looked bored, it was hilarious. “Hey babe” Emmett smiled from his seat. Then I finally realized why no one in the room was freaking out… Emmett was sitting next to Odyssey; his head wasn’t in her lap anymore.
She stopped because she was shocked to see another girl she didn’t know, damn it all to hell. Now I’m going to be bored all day today. I growled and crossed my arms; leaning against the wall, I banged my head against it.


{Push it baby push it baby, out of control I got ma gun cocked tight and I’m ready to blow}
♠ ♠ ♠
Sad to say that my partner-in-crime is moving out :(
Yessuh, my sister Micie is leaving to live with mi madre.
She helped me think of ways to make our original characters squeeze into Stephanie Meyers story...
Anyways, i'm rearranging stuff in the story so it won't be so dayum confusing KD (<- old person laughing...lmao)
I think i'm gonna stop changing Point Of Views so much...haha.
I understand that when i write it can be confusing, and i'm sorry if you feel confused.
