Animal Attraction


Frank opens his book bag and removes the diary he had taken from the Way House early that day. The cover was lovely black velvet with the name Gerard stitched in black leather with a red trim. Opening the journal, he scanned the milk white paper for the first entry.

January 21st, 1984

My mum bought me this journal so I could remember all the details of my childhood when I'm like thirty or something. She even bought me a dictionary so I don't screw up my words. I hope mum doesn't read this. I casually swear around my friends, but never adults. I don't like being labeled the rowdy kid like some of my friends, even though they are all younger then me. Well they're my new friends mum introduced to me because I always stuck with Mikey, and he was only five.

Frank's six and he's more evil and defiantly, what was that word I heard on television, oh yeah. Gay. Mum tells me not to call anyone that. It was rude and degrading. The dictionary says it means 'It makes the person feel bad.' Stupid children's dictionary.

Ray had amazing hair [like everyone hasn't said it before..] and he was probably the strongest out of all of us. He liked to tease us and he's seven.

Bob is annoying, sarcastic and rude. But we love the big teddy bear. He's the sweetest most kindest man in the world. God, im sounding like Frank now. Well tahtah for now I guess.

Frank literally gasped at the entry about it. He was not gay, bisexual, but not gay. He wanted to storm into Gerard's house and scream at him for all he's worth for calling him gay, but he held it back a flipped a few papers until he noticed a rather wet and limp piece of paper.

February 14th, 1984

I didn't get a single valentine and when Miss Priton asked everyone why they didn't have a Valentine for me, everyone shrugged and said that I wasn't on the friends list and they kind of forgot. Miss Priton pointed to the orange paper on the wall and then to my name and pretty much took away the candy eating just because they were cruel to me. I got pushed into the mud after school by a really pretty girl. She said to 'Fuck Off' and she kicked mud into my face. I came home dirty and disgusting and I felt, guess I should say it, degrading.

Frank didn't really know, neither did the others, on the real reason why Gerard came home muddy and teary-eyed. No one really knew Gerard's secrets but this diary. And maybe he could figure stuff out that had been questioning his mind since the day they met.