
Elixa is one of the last living beings on the planet named Earth. all the other humans killed eachother off in a hunt for safety. Others commited suicide due to the death of a loved one. Others scarificed themselves to save others but they all died in the end. It wasn't war that killed them off but curiosityof one doctor that wanted to bring back a operation long given up. Greed consumed the world. This the end. The end of the human race. Told through Elixa's eyes. She has determination to fight for the world that people destroyed in a frenzied race against life and death. Obstacles that Elixa will have to over come and she isn't alone but those being think of her as food or a savior but so far no one will accompany her on her dangerous journey

  1. Chapter One
    A taste.A tease.
  2. Chapter Two
    a glimpse
  3. Chapter three
    idk if this story will continue