Baby, I Think I Love You

Those Little Ankle-Biters!

“How are you feeling today?” my nurse asked, eyeing me over. I shrugged.

“But what exactly happened?” Everything was a little hazy, to be completely honest. She smiled gently.

“A baby happened.”

“Uh, excuse me? You’re not telling me I’m pregnant again, are you?” Hell no!

“Hmm? Oh, no, no! I’m just saying that you’ve been so busy watching over your children that you’re neglecting yourself.” She glanced to Edwin—who was holding my hand and helping me sit up without too much pain—and shook her head. “I’d say that maybe Daddy should help out a little more, but he looks just as bad as you! I’m not sure you two were quite ready for two bundles of joy.”

I glanced at Edwin only to find him already looking at me. He had a blank look on his face, almost as if he was looking right through me! His grip on my hand tightened suddenly and he winced, letting go. He looked so pained, but I didn’t know why!

“Eddy?” I whispered. “Are you alright?” He took in a shaky breath before nodding silently, moving his tired gaze to the nurse.

“Oh—Would you like me to give you two some alone time to talk? Life with kids can be very hard for any couple,” she told us with a smile. “Hang in there.”

I couldn’t correct her for she darted out the door, closing it softly behind her.

“Edwin, please tell me what’s wrong,” I begged, reaching for him and wishing he’d coming back. He finally did.

“I—I should have been there to catch you,” he muttered, throwing his face into his hands as he collapsed onto the edge of the bed.

“You had no way of knowing. There was nothing you could have done. I’m just a klutz,” I whispered, forcing myself to crawl over to him and sit beside him. I rested my head on his shoulder, and he leaned slightly towards me.

“You do know that I never stopped listening to your thoughts, don’t you? The second you fell I knew something had happened, but I didn’t act until I heard your head hit the floor! It’s my fault you’re not safe and sound at home right now! I fucked up, Jade. Again. This isn’t the first time you almost died! Remember when Quinn took you to the carnival? If the douche hadn’t caught you, then I would have lost you to death instead of some guy. I really messed up,” he mumbled, his lips on the top of my head. I smiled softly.

“You’re just too sweet,” I told him, hugging him gently.

“No, I cheated on you. Remember?” he choked.

“No, you didn’t.”

He stared down at me, shock scrawled across his face. I could only nod, my voice having left me. Seven years of damage had torn us apart, but seeing that brilliant smile form on his perfect lips almost made me forget all of the heartache we’d both been through.

He opened his mouth, but the door opened suddenly. The nurse walking in followed by Jasper, who was unable to take his eyes off of her perfect vampire body.

I could remember when Edwin would pay no mind to other women when we were together, but that was expected of a man in a committed relationship. And yet even still he refused to take his eyes off of me...
♠ ♠ ♠
And to answer your questions:

Jasper came once or twice while Jade was asleep, but Edwin is merely saying that compared to his camping trip in the room, Jasper may as well have never came at all. Only Edwin knows exactly how many minutes Jasper spent by Jade's side, but for her sake he won't give a number. Edwin refuses to lie to her, but he also refuses to hurt her anymore than he already has.

Oh, and I can assure you that Jasper didn't spend too much time with her, but he had to work so he can support Jade and the kids. What's a bloke to do?