Baby, I Think I Love You

Wavering Willpower

How much longer was he going to stay there? I could hardly take it!

Edwin had taken me home seconds after Jasper had left with his...dates. It was a good thing he had, too, because I would have started bawling if we had stayed there a moment longer. But that's a normal reaction, right? Well, I didn't feel guilty about being around Edwin anymore.

"What if he denies it?" I mumbled into Edwin's chest, holding him close.

"Then I'll bust his pretty little face. And I've been looking forward to doing that ever since I met him."

I pulled back to look at him, smiling softly. Edwin truly loved me, and I knew that he always had. We had a strange start, but Fate kept pulling us closer and closer. How much longer could I keep forcing myself to pull away?

He met my gaze with a soft glance before kissing me sweetly, holding me even tighter. And I knew that my willpower would leave me soon enough. But was that really a bad thing?

Edwin growled low in his throat, so I glanced to the window. He held me even stronger--if possible--when Jasper slammed the car door shut. I tore myself from him, kissing him once more before sitting on the couch. Edwin sat beside me, keeping his hands to himself for once. Jasper walked in, smiling. But then his face fell.

I wonder why.

"Is there a reason that he's here?" Jasper growled, tossing his jacket into the closet. He seemed calm enough.

He was a brilliant actor. But I suppose he had to be since he'd been fooling me for a year.

"Avery was having a fit earlier and kept asking for his father, so what else could I have done?" I shrugged. "So, honey, you left a sheet here this morning."

"Oh? Well, I suppose it wasn't so important if you didn't bring it in," he told me, putting his briefcase down.

"No, I did bring it in." His expression faltered for a millisecond. "But you weren't there. Your receptionist told me you didn't go in today--or any days of the past week."

"Hmm, well I was there. Funny that she would lie like that. I was in a meeting for the first half of the day, sweetie."

I could almost feel Edwin fuming beside me. Turning to look at him, I saw his gaze entirely on Jasper. The two were glaring death at each other.

"Are you sure you were there?"

"Yes. Why?" Jasper tore his eyes off of Edwin and looked to me, an innocent look plastered to his face. I wanted to rip out his throat.

"Because I went out to eat tonight." I looked up at him, giving him a chance to start begging. He didn't. "At Serafina."

"That's nice. Who did you go with?" Jasper asked me, smiling.

"That's enough! You'd better cut the crap, you asshole!" Edwin hissed, rising to his feet. "I took her so she could see what you're out doing all the time!"

"How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from Jade?" Jasper barked, stepping up to Edwin's challenge. "She picked me, so get the hell over it!"

"She saw it! It's over, you goddamn prick!" Edwin shoved Jasper, sending him staggering back a little.

"Are you picking a fight with me?" I wanted to smack him!

"I suppose I am. Or you can just pack up your things and leave." Edwin had a smirk on his face. I wondered how long he'd been waiting for this moment.

"Oh, really? And tell me why I would be doing that, hmm?"

"Edwin, he doesn't need to pack anything," I mumbled.

Jasper turned to me, smiling sweetly, before pulling me into an embrace and trying to kiss me. But I couldn't bring myself to let him.

"Babe? What's up?"

"I hope you enjoy this house without me and the kids," I whispered to him, tearing myself from him. "I do believe I've finally had enough."