Baby, I Think I Love You

Messed Up Family Relations

Two Months Later
“Sweetie, what are you going on about?” Edwin called from the bottom of the stairs.

I ran out of our bedroom and tackled him to the floor before he could climb the steps.

“Guess what! Guess what! Guess what!” I shrieked, sitting on him as he struggled to shove me off. I giggled when he helped me up, pulling me into his arms.

“Oh, I don’t know. Turns out your great uncle is the pope’s sister?”

I scowled at him, rolling my eyes. Tearing myself from him, I ran into the living room. He called after me to come back, but I had to find the kids.

“Where are Avery and Monique?” I asked him, looking everywhere.

“They’re outside. Why? What’s going on?” Edwin asked me, making a weird face. I could hardly contain myself!

“Go get them! Go, go, go!” I shrieked, shoving him out the door. I sat anxiously on the couch, bouncing in my seat while I waited.

I’d just gotten off the phone with Quinn. Natasha was doing great, and Nathaniel was doing fine, too. But that wasn’t what I’d called her about. As soon as I’d asked my question, she’d shrieked and told me the answer I’d wanted to hear. I just couldn’t wait to tell Eddie.

“Alright, I got them. What’s up now?” Edwin asked, pushing Avery and Monique into the living room.

I jumped to my feet and crouched down so I could see eye to eye with my kids. Monique was smiling softly, but Avery was catching on to my excitement. He was grinning ear to ear, just like his mommy.

“Hey, sweeties, I’m a good mommy, right?” They nodded. Edwin looked utterly baffled. “And Eddie is a good daddy, hmm?” They smiled.

Oh, yeah, Monique didn’t hate Edwin anymore. I don’t know when it happened, but she saw us smiling and slowly dropped the whole “I have no father” act.

“Babe, what’s going on? Please, I’m going to have a heart attack,” he whispered, pulling me up and securing me at his side. I kissed his cheek.

“Honey,” I smiled even bigger, getting all giddy. “I’m pregnant!”

I grinned up at Edwin, but he stared back at me blankly. I frowned.

“Eddy, baby?”

And he collapsed to the floor. He just kind of passed out all of a sudden! Avery was jumping up and down with Monique, but I was kind of worried about Mr. Man.

“Honey?” I whispered, sitting down beside him. I pulled his head into his lap, smiling softly when his eyes opened. He smiled really lightly.

“It’s mine?” I nodded, kissing him softly. “So...I get to be here for you—the whole time?” I grinned, nodding, as he pulled himself to his feet. He grinned, too, pulling me into his arms and giving me a bear hug. “Have I ever told you that I love you so much?”

“Yeah, but I never get tired of hearing it. Don’t you want to know if it’s a boy or a girl?” I asked him, kissing him deeply, holding him back.

“Alright, I’ll bite,” he joked, kissing my neck once.

“Girl!” I shrieked, smiling when covered his ears. He mouthed, “Ouch!” but smiled.

“I want to do this right this time, okay, Jade?” he begged, releasing me and seizing my hands gently.

“Okay... What’s the right way to do this?” I asked, giggling a little. “I was a bastard child, you know? So...I’m guessing the right way is daddy not leaving mommy every night?”

“Yeah... But there’s more to it than that. Babe, I love you. And I want everyone to know that.” He kissed me softly. “Baby, you love me, don’t you?”

“You know I do. With all of my still heart,” I told him, watching in confusion as he fell to his knee. He pulled out his little black box.

“Then... Will you marry me? For real, this time?” he whispered, gulping. I opened my mouth, words refusing to come out. There was desperation scrawled all over his face.

“Oh, Eddy...” I fell onto my knees so I was eye to eye with him. He looked more terrified than I had ever seen him. I couldn’t find any more words, so I pulled him to me suddenly, kissing him softly.

“Please give me an answer,” he begged, searching for breaths. I nodded furiously, tears streaming out of my eyes.

“We’ve been through so much together, baby... I’d have to be crazy to pretend like it meant nothing to me.”

He smiled. “So, Jade, what are we?” That question used to kill me every time. I smiled.

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Well, we're nearing the end. And I'm pretty happy with how things turned out. There will be probably two more chapters, so be on the lookout =]