Baby, I Think I Love You

High School Jackasses

“Oh, your dress is so pretty! I wish Nathan would have let me splurge for our wedding, but he just wanted to elope in Vegas! God, sometimes I wish I had the romantic sweetheart,” Quinn griped, pouting as she looked at me. I smiled softly, pulling her into a tight hug.

“But you have a guy that’s been by you ever since you met. I wish that could have worked for me, but... Hey, it worked out in the end, right? Quinn, there’s not going to be any more splitting up, is there?” I begged softly, trying not to cry. It was supposed to be a happy day, after all.

She smiled softly, hugging me quickly. “Not that I see. So don’t be sad. At least you’re with the man you were meant to be with. Though you did waste plenty of time on the high school jackass.”

“The term ishigh school sweetheartlove,” I teased, pulling my eyes away from my reflection. “So I don’t have to do this all alone for even a second?” She made a face.

“No! But even if you two did split, you still wouldn’t be doing it alone. You know that I’d be here for you. Does ‘best friends’ mean nothing in the world?” she groaned, tearing me away from the mirror altogether. I smiled apologetically. “Look, you go walk down that isle and marry that man! I won’t take no for an answer!”

“Fine, but I’m only doing this for you!” I yelled, teasing her. She smirked, shoving me into the hall.

“I have to go. You only get one wedding, so you make sure you do this perfect, you hear me?” she hissed.

“Actually, I had two,” I smirked. She scowled.

“Assholes don’t count!” I watched as she left me, smiling one more time before leaving me all alone in the hallway.

So a church was where Eddie had decided to get us married. Honestly, a church? I mean, a church was where I’d fallen into Jasper’s arms! I suppose he was just trying to make me see that the past didn’t matter anymore. Or maybe he was just trying to make me feel like a princess. Hell, maybe I’m even reading into this too much!

My thoughts were cut out when I heard the music. I groaned, making my way into the room in my high heels. I was not looking forward to this at all! I mean, Eddie is my world, but everyone would be watching me like hawks! My family and his were all in there, waiting to see me make a fool of myself. I hadn’t seen my folks ever since my parents were alive, so what a lovely impression!

As I walked, I focused entirely on my feet. One, two. One, two. I was not going to screw up. But something caught my eye. I glanced up for a second to see Edwin watching me with the softest look on his face. He mouthed, “I love you”. I smiled back at him, silently telling him that I loved him, too. He smiled, but then his jaw dropped.

“Oh, my goodness!” I shrieked, falling to the floor.

And cue the horrid laughter!

I grew bright red, making a face at Edwin. He smirked, leaving the altar to stroll up to me, helping me up.

“I’m sorry, I should have realized that you were watching your feet for a reason,” he told me, not caring that everyone was laughing at me!

I heard a, “That’s our Jade!” and, lo and behold, I saw Edwin’s parents grinning like madmen at us. I groaned, taking Edwin’s hand as he helped me finish the walk.

“That picture is so going in the book,” he whispered, kissing my forehead.

“Good, then people can see you gaping like a fish in the background!” I hissed, pouting.

“Sorry, I just want you to be in perfect condition for our honeymoon. If you’re hurt even a little, what I have planned might kill you,” he breathed seductively just before we finally finished our walk. I knew I was blushing like mad, but I tried to ignore it.

Blah, blah, and blah! I didn’t even listen to the preacher man. I was just looking at Edwin, unable to stop smiling. He was just so gorgeous in his tux. Avery was standing beside Nathaniel, grinning at me. Monique was smiling softly beside Quinn, who was going absolutely crazy.

“Just get to the point! God, I’m dying over here!” she shrieked, glaring at the poor man. His eyes got wider.

“Quinn, calm down,” Nathaniel begged, shaking his head and laughing. I smiled, seeing Edwin trying not to do the same.

“Alright, then. Edwin-Riku Kaiser, do you take Juliette to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to—?”

“He does!” Quinn yelled, tapping her foot impatiently. Edwin glanced to me, smirking.

“Of course I do. So calm down, Quinn.”

I smirked.

I didn’t even let the poor man finish his question to me!

“I do! I do! I do!” I shrieked, ushering him on.

“Oh, look at that. We’re an hour ahead of schedule,” he muttered dryly. “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may—”

Edwin pulled me to him suddenly, kissing me roughly and smirking against my lips.

“I love you,” he mumbled when he pulled back, refusing to let me out of his embrace.

“I love you, too, Eddy,” I smiled, ignoring the crowd entirely.

When I’m with you, the world just seems to melt away...
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the last real chapter, but there will be an epilogue posted tomorrow to show how they're getting along several months later.