My Life In One Word- Unusual


I've always had a good way at reading people. Whether it was their minds or their auras, i could tell what they felt. But for some reason, i couldn't tell what i felt. It was like i was numb from the head down and i didn't think it would change anytime soon.

My life was simpley explained in one word: unusual. I introduced myself as Kenny Douglas Richards and when people asked about my home life i only told them one thing. My father was in jail for 1st degree murder and i lived with my granparents. They seemed to have me all figured out by just that one sentence. Odd isn't it? How much people think they know about you when you've only told them a short snipit of your life?
I guess my life was easy to guess though. What kind of life could the son of a man who killed his son's mother have? It's not like they had a role in society. Afterall, they must just be screwed up like their father right? Wrong. I was different. Or at least i thought so.

I felt like i had to make a change. I had to prove to the world that there was more to me than meets the eye. I WAS different. No one would believe me anyway but i could still try couldn't I? What's the problem in trying?

I never had an interest in high school. Even in my third year at Cooper High i hadn't gone on my first date. I didn't want that. I was afraid to love, afraid that i would hurt the girl that tried to love me. And i did hurt her.

Her name was Laila and we were sophmores. In our hormonal youth everything seemed to be okay. I liked her enough to stick around and she loved me enough to care. I loved her so much inside but i wouldn't let her know. Not after what had happened. No, not after what had happened.