Save Yourself


"Well what's it say?" Holly asked walking into her bathroom where Ashley was starring at a plastic white stick.

"It's says you're gay." Ashley said laughing as tears came to her eyes.

"Well?" Holly asked with a smile.

"It's positive!" Ashley cried out happily before wrapping her arms around Holly. "Oh my G-d I have to tell Daniel!" she added pulling away from Holly and putting the test back into the box and rushing past Holly.

"Slow down!" Holly said before walking after her to find her slipping into her shoes.

"Sorry, I'm just so happy! I'll call you later, k?"

"Alright, just don't get a speeding ticket turbo." Holly laughed as Ashley was already half out the door.

Ashley was rushing out to her car and within 10 minutes she was pulling up to a fimilar building. She found a parking spot next to an OH so fimilar SUV and rushed inside.

"Oh Ashley your a little more speedy today what the emergency?" Officer Rays said, Ashley grinned.

"I have to find Daniel!"

"Oh he's in Taylor's office."

"Thanks!" Ashley said before she raced past him and skidded to a stop at the door to his office and she knocked twice before stepping back, the door opened and Daniel was standing there.

"Hey! I'll be out in one minute got to finish something up, wait out by my truck because I'll be ready to leave alright. K?" Daniel said; Ashley smiled faded some but was still there.

"Alright, I'll be waiting...but not long." Ashley said before kissing him quickly and then turning around and walking towards the way she came.

"Wife." Daniel said walking up to her and stopping in front of her, she smiled.

"Husband." she said before wrapping her arms around his neck. "I have news!"

"Yeah and?" he questioned after giving her a small kiss.

"We're going to have a baby!" Ashley said happily, Daniel grinned and he picked her up off the ground and spun her around, she laughed tightening her arms around him.

"Really?" he asked putting her down on her feet, she nodded.

"Yes! I took a test today and I have all the signs I am positve, literally and figurelatively!" she said with a grin, he laughed and gave her a kiss before pulling away and gave a face she recgonized right away. "What are you thinking about?"

"I remember a couple years ago when we were probably in Nevada and you asked who'd want to have kids with me?" he asked, she rolled her eyes but her smile never faded.

"I guess that poor woman you ended up with is extremely happy."

"I'd hope she was to, and I know how to make her even happier tonight." he said with a slight smirk.

"OoO what woman wouldn't want sex from you?"

"I don't know anyone not married to me." he answered, she grinned.

"Mmm maybe. Come on I'll race you home!" Ashley said before pecking him on the lips and then pulling from his grasp and hurrying over to her car, Daniel shook his head but the smile remained as he jumped into his own SUV and started to back up and realized Ashley was already half way down the street.

"Women." he murmured before shifting the car into drive and racing after her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for commenting me disturbed..peace!! It means a lot that you'd comment me and those who subscribed thanks. And those of you who didn't comment me...THANKS FOR NOTHING!! Truley....yep I can't spell but whatever. I loved this story it took me 4 months to write 3 weeks to edit it...which is still needs more. Tons more, I need a lot more details and more fillers cause it's not as long as Id like it 89 pages of computer paper not long enough. I can now add the rest of the chapters of I Never Wanted To..spend a couple days off this site to get the story juices flowin and then continue Whispers in the Dark and the others............