
July 21st, 2009

Big brown eyes were watching me beneath thick eyelashes. I couldn't help but giggle as Haley squeezed my knee beneath the tabl as a fan rambled on about how hot he thought Hales was. She had a pleasant smile on her beatuiful face, making it seem as if this guy was the most important person in the world; but I know this isn't true. I was one of the main constants in her mind.

"Fuck." I moaned as she started tracing random circles on my inner thigh. Grabbing her hand, I firmly placed it on the table away from me so I could try to concentrate. I could never keep my mind straight when this girl was around.

"What baby?" Haley whispered, her face crunched up in frustration. Fuck, I messed up once again. She hates me when I do this. Haley doesn't care what people think, especially when it comes to us. She'll take on anyone who dares whisper "dyke" in our vincity. I remember when I had to pull her off John O'Callaghan when he wasked me if I preferred Haley's pussy to any other cunts on Warped Tour. Her anger isn't something I like to play with; its someone's dying wish to get on her bad side.

"Nothing, sorry." Mumbling apologies, I tried reaching for her hand to hold it but she pulled away, her anger rising. "Hales," I said but now Haley's attention was no longer mine. Another fan had come up and she was smiles for her, icy coldness for me.

Time went by and there was no more people waiting in line for our signatures here at the Hurley booth. Haley was still not talking to me as she was braiding her red hair, her septum shining in the sunlight. She had on orange eyeshadow that was a horrible choice for her makeup; earlier that morning I tried to warn her that it was not her color but she never listens to me. Haley doesn't listen to me on a bunch of things lately.

"Are you still not talking to me Hales?" I asked as she stood up, stretching, stifling a yawn. She started to walk away, causing me to sigh in frustration. "God! You can be such a bitch sometimes, Haley!"

Suddenly I was looking at the roof of the tent instead of the table. Haley was on top of me, her hand in the air. She brought it down and across my face, my guess was that I had a brand new red mark on my left cheek.

I just sat there. Tears were coming out of the corner of my eyes and my hand was cradling my cheek. Haley was straddling me, fists clenched, her mouth set in a grimace; it seemed as if those beatiful eyes that I loved so much were blank now, as if my Haley wasn't there.

"Oh my god." Haley groaned; I felt her cold hand gently touch the cheek that she had just hit. I flinched away, then pushed her off me and stood up. Heading towards the bus, I heard Haley running behind me trying to catch up. "Remy, Remy. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She said as she caight me and wrapped her arms around me. Stiffly, I stood there as she said so many apologies and I couldn't help but think that this was how it usually went.
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So this is my Haley Williams story.... and its about two girls so if you take offense to it, then you shouldn't read this.

Btw, I'm gonna tell you guys what song I'm listening to while writing so atm I'm listening to Every Avenue's "Where Were You".

God I can't wait for Warped Tour; 2 days!