I Wanna Love You

I Think She's Pretty

“Goodbye John,” She said and walked out of the dressing room. John just stood there in shock at what just went down.

Look,” She said shifting her weight around on the balls of her feet, “I don’t think we’re every going to work out.”

“What?” He said not fully understanding what she was trying to say.
“You and me are perfect together, yes, but this,” She said trying to find the right word, “What we’re doing isn’t right.”

“Jayde,” He said with his voice starting to go soft.
“I want out. I don’t want this anymore. I’m sorry,” She said and picked up her bag.

“Goodbye John,” She said and walked out of the dressing room.

“That was rough,” Pat said thinking out loud again. John turned around and shot him a look before turning back towards the door of their dressing room.

“Where are you going?” Garret called out.

“To go meet some people,” John said and shut the door behind him.

He snuck past the security, wandering his way out into the crowd. This probably wasn’t his best idea lately, but he needed to take his mind off of things for a while. Meeting with the fans was one way he could do this.

“Hey look! It’s John!” A girl shouted and soon a small swarm of fans were crowding around him, asking for pictures and for him to sign almost anything. Luckily The Friday Night Boys were playing, so that distracted about ninety-nine percent of the crowd.

“Thanks,” A slightly hyper girl said and walked away with her friends to giggle at the pictures.

He already felt better when people came up to him, they were always something that made him feel better. Well, until he saw her.

She was standing against the wall, just watching. He’d seen her before on and off stage, but he’d never actually gone up and talked to her.

Her name was Lillian Melody Roth; lead singer of All That Glitters, Sparks!

Her dark blonde hair was cut into short choppy layers and straightened daily. She was short, well short compared to him, and she never wore too much makeup, except on stage.

She looked up from her phone after she had slid it shut, meeting hazel green eyes with her bright blue ones. For a moment, no one else in the world existed.

“Can we?” The girl standing in front of John repeated.
“What? Oh sure,” He said wrapping his arm around the girl and smiling towards the camera.

Her phone vibrated in her hand and she slid it open again.

One New Text: Marlee

She clicked open and read the message.

go up to him and ask him for a picture then!

I can’t do that!

Sure you can!

That would just be awkward :/

You either want to talk him or you don’t. if there’s other girls there, then he’ll have less of a chance of running away.

By the time she had finished arguing with Marlee via text message, he had walked away.

“Damnit!” She muttered and stomped the ground.

“Where’d you go?” Jared asked as John re entered the dressing room.
“Meet some fans,” He shrugged and sat down on the couch, leaning his hands on his knees and resting his head in them, watching Garret and Pat fight about what game they were going to play next.

“You look happier,” Jared noted.
“I am,” He said but didn’t smile.
“Who’s the girl?” Pat sang, still arguing with Garret.

“Why does there always have to be a girl?” John asked a little offended.

“It’s you John,” Jared said and leaned his head against the back of the couch, “And would you two stop fighting over some stupid ass game?”

“Ten minutes boys,” One of the security guys said poking his head into the room. As if right on cue, Lilly walked by just as the door was closing. John’s eyes were glued to the little crack from then on.

“Lilly?” Jared said making the connection.
♠ ♠ ♠
so this is the first story ive written bout the maine.
im going to give it my best damn shot.
and for you people that know more than me about them,
please correct me at anytime if i am wrong! :D

i wanna go to warped now.
becuase of them and well ...... all time low :D