I Wanna Love You

We've Got One Chance To Get It Right

“Thanks,” Lilly smiled as she took the key off the counter. He followed her like a little lost puppy up to their hotel room. She swiped the key through and quickly ran inside, slamming the door behind them.

“You look really beautiful,” He said as she slipped off her heels and let her dark blonde hair down from her messy ponytail.

“I’ve liked you forever John,” She finally admitted, feeling as if her heart was going a hundred miles a minute.

“I’ve liked you since I first saw you.”
“Then why didn’t you talk to me?” She asked curiously, sitting down on the middle of the bed.

“I didn’t wanna fuck it up,” He said standing at the edge, looking down at the ground.

“So we both stayed silent about our love for each other,” She said contently.
“I guess so,” He said sitting down on the bed and moving closer towards her.

“I wish I would’ve talked to you sooner,” She sighed and looked away.
“Tours over in three days,” She frowned.

He slipped his hand under her chin and made her look back at him, “And after tour you and I can be together for two months.”

“Mm-mm,” She said shaking her head, “We go back out three weeks after this.”

“Well,” He said shifting his weight on the bed, “Then we have three weeks of you and me.”

“Like you’ll come all the way out here from Arizona.”
“For you I would.”
“Are you trying to get in my pants?” She asked, but not that she minded if he did.

“N-No,” He said caught off guard.

“Right,” She said slyly.

“But can I try something?” He asked hopefully.
“Close your eyes.”

She had to admit, he was being cute. She shut her eyes and felt the weight oh his body coming closer to hers. She licked her lips in anticipation, hoping he would do what she thought he was going to. Just like that, their lips were connected. Oh baby were they both lost in heaven.

He pulled away a few seconds later, leaving her breathless. Her eyes fluttered opened to a grinning boy who looked absolutely adorable.

“I couldn’t wait any more,” He admitted.
“Me neither,” She replied, secretly wishing he’d do it again.

He pressed his lips against hers again as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down on the bed with her. His hands with placed on either side of her, trying not to squish her. Things got heated quickly and his tongue grazed her bottom lip. She let her jaw drop lower, allowing their tongues to dance and fight for dominance.

His fingers found their way to the belt loops of her jeans, giving them a little tug.

“Mmm you’ve been thinking like me,” She mumbled as their lips detached.