Status: Active

Let's Make A Mess

We're Not In LA Anymore

I could have sworn we were being watched.

As my sandal clad feet hit the sidewalk I looked up and squinted into the sun. Standing before me there was a house that I had never seen before, it’s garden unkempt and dead. My father slammed shut the trunk of our car as I pushed myself out of the car and closed the door behind me softly. I watched as my father proceeded up the driveway with a large bag, his large set of keys jingling together quietly. He took the oldest looking key from the bunch into his fist and slid it into the door, turning it slowly until it popped open with a nice click. With a grin he disappeared inside shortly followed by my younger brother.

I slowly started taking my own steps up towards the house and I still had the feeling that someone was watching me as I stepped over the threshold of my new home.

It was small, at least in comparison to my previous place of residence. All of the walls were painted a dull, depressing shade of cream and I knew that my mother would love it. I could hear my brother Jackson running about upstairs and I figured that he was trying to decipher which room he was going to snag for himself. I followed suit and ascended the narrow staircase, heading straight for the end bedroom the second I reached the summit.

I pushed open the door and hesitantly took a few steps forward. The room was smaller than my last one had been but it was big enough to house all of my stuff. The walls were painted the same boring shade of magnolia that downstairs was decorated in and I immediately started thinking of colour palettes that would work well together.

Next I opened the only window in the room and tied back the gaudy curtains that had been left by the previous owners. With the room looking considerably better in the natural light I retreated back out onto the landing to greet my expectant mother.

“So what do you think?” she asked.

“I think we’re not in LA anymore.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So obviously this is just the prologue.
Future chapters will be substantially longer.
As with everyone else, i would really love some feedback.
Even though i'm aware this chapter doesn't contain much, it's still nice to know what people think.