Status: Active

Let's Make A Mess

You're Mean

Homeroom and my first period passed by without incident. I was forced to introduce myself and therefore submitted to great embarrassment but other than that I managed to avoid any sort of confrontation. By my third class of the day I was confident that I was actually going to make it through until at least lunch before anyone tried to talk to me and warn me about steering clear of their boyfriends.

Not that the girls should have found me threatening I just remembered that being a key moment in the new kids first day.

As I wandered slowly towards my AP biology class I took the time to check out my fellow students, comparing them to my friends back home. I knew that I should have been trying to adapt to my new surroundings but it was incredibly hard when they were just so incredibly different.

“Earth to Amelia.”

I glanced up quickly and flushed pink while Zack laughed at me gently. I had been completely unaware that he was walking besides me as I strolled around at my own leisurely pace and it made me feel a little stupid.

“How long have you been there?” I asked him slowly as we ascended a flight of stairs before passing though a set of doors that led down into another corridor full of rooms.

He glanced at me with a lopsided grin, “long enough to know that you speak to yourself.”

I bit back a groan and followed him into a science lab with caution, “I don’t speak to myself, and really I knew you were there.” Zack laughed at me as I whispered to him catching the attention of our teacher and half of the class.

“Nice of you to join us Mr Merrick, I suspect you’ll tell me that you were helping miss Fox here find her way,” I watched Zack as he nodded and grabbed my arm, pulling me down into the seat next to his at a bench at the back. Our teacher rolled his eyes and mmmed before turning to face the board.

I focused on what the old guy was saying and took appropriate notes as Zack doodled on a sheet of paper from beside me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see that he was drawing really rather very immature pictures and I let out a silent laugh when he looked up at me and smirked triumphantly.

“You’re really very childish did you know that?” I asked him rhetorically and he grinned with a nod as I refocused my attention back on our teacher.

“Okay the person you are sitting with today, unless I see it as unfit,” he started shooting a pointed look towards two or three pairs, “will be your partners for the remainder of the year.” I smiled slightly pleased that I wouldn’t have to work with someone I had never met before as he continued. “You will complete joint assignments with this person and any experiments we do, you’ll need to work together because at the end of the year your grade with reflect upon it.”

As annoying as the group work thing was for me I nodded politely when he glanced around the room expectantly at his pupils. I didn’t like working in a group purely because I knew that I had to rely on someone else to do their fair share and that my grades were in the hands of someone else; usually a complete imbecile.

“You’re not an imbecile are you?” I asked Zack quickly and quietly causing him to look up from his new doodle with a confused look on his face. “Well if you’re a complete fucking dolt you’re going to affect my grade at the end of the year and then I’d have to kill you.”

The laugh he let out was something between a choke and seriously amused giggle, “How do you think I got into this class, my dashing good looks?”

I scoffed loudly and turned away from him with a smirk, “for that to be the reason you’d actually have to be good looking.”

He looked completely offended when I glanced back at him and I laughed softly as he jumped to his own defence, “Hey there are tons of girls who would die for this,” he mumbled raking a hand over his chest as he did. I laughed again and shook my head looking around the room wildly.

“Oh and tell me Zack, where exactly are all these girls?”

Now looking completely down trodden, Zack stood up from our desk and moved to the front of the room to collect our first assignment sheet. I felt that it was a little mean for our teacher to make us start one right away but I knew all too well that science professors were sadistic.

“This is going to be so much fun,” he grinned sarcastically as he arrived back at our bench and handed me the six page booklet. “Have you seen how much we have to do it’ll take forever,” he continued with a whine and I rolled my eyes.

“Would you like some cheese with that wine?”

I was still laughing at my own joke when Zack turned around and shot me a glare that could have and would have killed me.

“Not funny Emilia, I have a life believe it or not and I could do without a million page essay to write.”

I once again rolled my eyes to the top of their sockets and mimicked him word for word, “God you sound like such a girl, pick your balls up off the floor and help me plan.”

With a pout Zack nodded and settled down his head resting atop the palm of his hand, “You’re mean.”
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Uhm your comments would be lovely.