Status: Complete

Tangles of My Heart

Chapter One

Waverly Braxton

“Bitch!” I shouted loudly as she lifted me off the ground with her powers, my voice echoed in the empty clearing of the forest we were in. I retaliated by sending her an energy blast. It knocked her off her feet and she opened the pathway that connected both of our minds,

Bastard!, she thought.

She got up and dusted herself off, but with each flick of her wrist she sent massive air waves that threw me in the air, I felt myself being lifted up. I closed my eyes, and when I landed with a thump on the ground, I deduced that I had been launched a couple miles from the fight scene.

The pathway between Michelle's mind and mine was opened and her voice filled my head,

What the hell are you doing? Get your ass back here! She yelled, her laughter ringing in my head.

Keep your pants on! I thought back, then I closed the pathway because I liked to keep my own thought, precisely that. My own.

I ran back to where Michelle was crouched in her defensive position. I smiled in wonder how far she had come in just 4 months. It took Carlisle longer than that to teach me about my powers. I glanced down at her hand where a celtic knot was carved in black ink on her palm, a match to my own.

Carlisle had explained to Michelle and I that during the traumatic experience with Darien, when we linked hands I pushed a duplicate of my power into her. At first I was upset that I had lost some of my power but then Dr. Cullen explained that I had just made a separate copy of my power, that I hadn't lost anything.

We now both had, telekinesis, advanced hearing, speed, and levitation. I had the abiity to produce fir from my hands, and she had invisibility. Something that I must say that I was jealous of, but Michelle said she was equally jealous of my ability to spout off fire. Of course we both had the ability to open each others mind and communicate with each other.

But there was something extraordinary that we could do when our hands, where the celtic knots were, were linked.

“Hey, Elle?” I asked, using the nickname she had earned while training.

She came up out of her defensive stance with a smile on her face.


“Let's combine our powers.” I said, a nervous tone to my voice. We had only attempted to try it once, but Alice saw us trying to do it and told Carlisle, who rushed to the scene and told us the we should never try it again unless someone was there to help us control it.

My thoughts to that, were . . . . SCREW IT!

“But Carlisle said-”

“You know I love Carlisle like a father, but I know you feel as much as I do that we need to see what we can do.” I said, pleading with my eyes. Michelle face always betrayed her emotions on her face. For example, as much as she says that she doesn't like Embry, I know that she lying.

Embry was desperate to get Michelle's attention, he had tried everything. Serenading her, spontaneously showing up at her house, leaving her little notes in her locker, and trying impress her with his strength.

Michelle didn't even give him the time of day, even though she knew he had imprinted and in turn she had imprinted on him. It was a feat in itself to keep Michelle attention, plus Embry still didn't know about Beatrice. Being attached to Michelle and her mind kept me in the loop with her thoughts, she didn't want to tell him about Beatrice because she was terrified of his reaction.

When ever I called her out on being so obvious about liking Embry she would pull the ever present 'Jacob' card. After the whole, not being a virgin thing, I had refused to speak to Jacob and according to Leah, he had a new girlfriend, anyway. Not like I cared or anything . . . slut.

On the bright side, I was all buddy buddy again with the Cullen's lately, as Emmett so eloquently put it, 'I had kind of 'kicked them to the curb when I started getting it on with a dog!'

“So what do you say?” I asked.

Suddenly a massive smile lit up Michelle face.

“I thought you'd never ask!”

She ran towards me with a smile adorning her delicate face, which I envied. She held out her hand and I took it in my own.

“So, what the fuck do we do?” She asked, her eyebrows creasing in confusion.

“I've never done this before either. How the hell am I supposed to know.” I told her, looking expectantly down at our hands. “Let's just, try and concentrate.”

“On what?”

“On,” I paused scanning the clearing for something big enough, I spotted a cliff, a couple miles away, “ that.”

Michelle focused her eyes and they widened.

“Not even a punch from Emmett would do much to that massive thing!” She said, starring in wonder at the massive cliff.

“Exactly.” I smiled, tightening my grip on her hand.

We both closed our eyes and focused on the cliff, sending off power waves from our intertwined hands in it's direction. Not even a minute later we heard a deafening crack, Michelle and I opened our eyes and looked down at our hands. They were glowing a bright white, but it faded as we lost focus on the mountain. We looked towards the cliff and noticed immediately that almost half of it was missing.

“Holy shit.” Michelle was gazing at the missing chunk in wonder. “Did we blow it up?”

“I don't think so, there isn't any dust in the air, or rocks at the bottom. I think it just . . . dissapeared.” I whispered the last part.

“Well, were the hell does a piece of a mountain just disappear too?”

“I have no idea.”

After a few more minutes of just starring I suggested that we go home, Michelle suggested that we don't tell Carlisle.

I whole-heartedly agreed.

I looked down at my watch and scowled, “Bloody freaking hell!”

“AH, WHAT!” Shrieked Michelle looking around frantically, getting into attack mode.

“We're going to be late for the wedding.” I said in monotone. “And who would want to miss such a blessed union.” I said, sarcasm oozing out of every single word. My mom was not ready to get married. Not at all.

Michelle snorted, trying to hold in her laughter. Then, we ran back to my house to get ready.
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