Status: Complete

Tangles of My Heart

Chapter Eighteen

Waverly Braxton

“Hello ladies, welcome to McCarthy Highschool.” Said the rather plump woman who's accent was British and whose teeth were yellow and crooked. “You have been enrolled already, here are your schedules.”

She handed us both light blue sheets of paper, Michelle thanked the lady on behalf of both of us. I hadn't spoken since I got here.

“You welcome, have a nice day.” She said, waving at us as we walked out the door. Michelle let out a snort she had been holding in.

“If people here are that cheery, I think I might have to shoot myself in the face.” She said groaning. I was wearing this and Michelle was wearing this, so I had no clue why people were staring at us like we had just repelled down a rope and dropped into the middle of Biology.

Some girl wearing all pink and sporting a Barbie Girl tee shirt walked up to us, a very fake smile on her face. She was accompanied by a guy with tan skin, short cropped black hair and very well built.

“Hi, welcome to McCarthy High. I'm Taylor and this is my BF Caleb.” She said, putting a possessive hand on Caleb's shoulder. He on the other hand was staring quite intensely at my face.

“Yeah, hi.” Michelle said impatiently not really wanting to engage in conversation with the girl who looked like she could be in a plastic surgery commercials.

“So how are you enjoying your first day, did I mention this is my boyfriend.” She said, emphasizing the 'my' as she looked to him, trying to avert his gaze from my face.

“Yeah, we heard you the first time, and as for the school question, we haven't been to any classes yet. You going to have to get out of the way so we can.” Said Michelle putting even more dislike into her already hateful voice.

Taylor looked unnerved, I was guessing that most people didn't talk to her like that. She moved out of our way, dragging her boyfriend with her. Michelle stomped past, but Taylor grabbed my arm forcefully, her accent in my face,

“Do you even talk?” She hissed, her boyfriend, looked like he was going to pull her away but I just flashed her the finger and followed the school map to Introduction to Sociology. I caught up with Michelle who was looking almost like she had seen a ghost.

“Did you see that guy?” She said, refering to Taylor's boyfriends, Caleb. I nodded, non verbally. “Doesn't he remind you of someone?”

I looked at her, not quite understanding where she was coming from.

“Jacob.” She whispered, not looking me directly in the eye. I scowled, I thought we had an unspoken agreement not to speak of 'him'. I sent her one withering glare before I left for class.

“Please pick your partners and start on the assignment.” Said Mr. Flannigan, boredly. He slumped down at his desk, probably worrying about his pending divorce and cheating wife.

A hand was put on my desk and I lazily lifted my head to give the person my attention. It was Caleb, upon seeing his face, I snapped my head down back to my desk. I didn't have to admit who he looked like if I didn't know what he looked like.

“Would you like to be partners?” He asked, sounding startled, I supposed that he didn't understand why I was acting so strangely.

I shook me head quickly, but then I looked around the room. Everyone was paired off, everyone. He chuckled when I dejectedly nodded my head. He sat down next to me and pulled out his sheet. Suddenly, a voice penetrated the air beside her partner.

“Cal? Your supposed to be my partner? You are my boyfriend.” Said Taylor, seemingly putting her arm on my forearm, but her nails were digging into my skin.

Normally, I would have jumped up and smacked her. Then I would have told Michelle and Michelle would have thrown her in front of a bus, then when explained her actions to the Police, she would have told them that she was using Taylor's body to push a little boy out of the way.

“I am just welcoming the new student.”

Oh, God, She thought, mentally groaning, He even sounds like Jake.

Told you Michelle's voice sing-songed in my head. Now was not the time to be smart.

“Yeah, well, next time don't” She said, her voice menacing.

“She's just a bit controlling.” He laughed, looking through the textbook trying to find the answer. I spotted it and pointed to it. He smiled at me and I took a chance to look at him.

It was a war between me and my tears. I hated getting so worked up over a guy! Jake was a blessing and a curse.

I shrugged my shoulders at him, giving him a look of question. He seemed to get the message that I was trying to get across.

'A little bit controlling?”

“Okay, more like, she heaps steaming piles of control on everything she touches.” He laughed, I smiled and he took this as my approval. “So, you don't talk?”

I shook my head. Returning to my work, I spotted another answer and pointed to it on the page.

“Why not?” He asked, copying down my find.

I looked at him, try to convey my sentence without actually having to say it.

“I get it.” He said nodding, “You don't want to talk about it, no pun intended.”

I laughed even though we both knew it was a lame joke.

“Just one more question?” I nodded, “Is it health related or a choice.”

I put up two fingers. It was a choice.
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Blah, I need comments and stuff because I really hate this story, not HATE per say, but strong dislike. I don't know why, but I could use some encouraging words!!!
Please and thank you.
I have an awesome idea for an original story about a vampire who falls desperately in love with a fellow peer at an all Magical School. Plot sound familiar? That's because almost everyone has a story line with that basic plot, well the twist is this is unlike those stories in every single way!
The thing is, is that I need a kick ass title. Give me a shout, thank you very much!