Status: Complete

Tangles of My Heart

Chapter TwentyTwo

Waverly Braxton

Michelle was driving, I had my turn over an hour ago. We were taking turns, driving in shifts. Five hour shifts. We couldn't stop driving, not with the crazy bloodthirsty animal on our trail.

Beatrice was asleep in the back seat, buckled safely into her car seat. Michelle had her eyes glued to the road, sweat glistening on her abnormally attractive face.

I put my hand on hers comfortingly and her eyes only wavered from the road to my face for a second before she was fully concentrated on getting us where we needed to go.

“I'm still not sure about this, Wave.” She said, her shoulders slumping.

“Neither am I, but this insures our safety.” I told her, our voices were hushed, thinking subconsciously that maybe Darien could hear us.

“Staying with the Cullen's would have been easier on my nerves.” She argued, still reeling from the fact that the Cullen's were the ones who sent us away.

“Elle, they were the ones who couldn't handle us. They were the ones that shipped us here.” I sighed exasperatedly. The anger in my voice was more than apparent, my dislike for the Cullen's grew more each kilometre we were separated from Forks. Our home.

“Yeah, I know. I just-GOD!” She nearly yelled, “I can't stand that one deranged, sexually frustrated creature of the night can ruin our lives with one action.”

“I know.”

“Let's take him out.” She said, a childish pout on her face.

“Next time we see him, he's as good as dead.” I said seriously.

“Well, more dead than he already is.” She mumbled.

The Cullen Household

Alice awoke from her trance, the many sections of her brain focused on only one thing. Michelle and Wave.

“Edward, Rose, Carlisle.” She said calmly, knowing that her siblings and father, would hear her. Edward, her thoughts.

In less then a flash they were by her side, looking at her closely.

“Darien found them.” Collective gasps were heard around the room, and Rosalie fired questions at her sister at a rapid speed. “Everyone's fine, but they ran.”

“Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that a good thing. Not being eaten by a Vampire?” Asked Emmett, who had joined the conversation a tad late.

“Yes, but now they're on their way to the Volturri.” Explained Alice, putting her head in her tiny hands.

“Why?” Growled out Rose. Even though, her and Waverly had fallen out of friendship, didn't mean that Rose didn't still care for Wave.

“They thought that was the only way they would be safe.” Said Edward, reading Alice's thoughts. “They think we abandoned them.”

“Well, we did.” Snarled Rose, at her 'parents'. “No, Carlisle did. You sent Waverly away when she needed us!”

“Rosalie.” Scolded Esme, “You will apologize for that remark.”

“Sorry.” Replied Rose sounding tortured. “I just want my friend back safe, I don't have very many you know.”

“I wonder why.” Asked Edward, obviously being smart, but Carlisle and Esme chose to overlook his attitude.

“They are going to ask to be part of their family.” Said Alice, still horrified at the thought. Esme, felt the need to sit down, whether or not it was acting like human habit or the actual need to sit down.

“We need to stop them.” Said Rose, running up to the bedroom that she and Emmett shared, she simply grabbed a tube of lip gloss and waited impatiently at the door. Emmett went to go calm her down as the others continued talking.

“I think we should tell the dogs.” Chimed in Edward, taking into consideration his feelings if Bella ever went missing on their account.

Jacob had been hit hard, moping and sulking around the Cullen place for weeks, waiting for one of them to come out of the house so he could attack them and find out where Waverly went. He didn't care if that meant breaking the treaty, he had almost had her, and he lost her with the snap of his fingers.

Embry on the other hand was acting like nothing had even happened, the word in La Push was that he was getting with a different girl every night.

Edward could read thoughts, and knew that Embry was just trying to get over Michelle, by going out with other girls. Everyone knew how stupid he was being, but he was determined to get over Michelle, because he knew she wasn't coming back.

“Too late.” Said Carlisle, moments before a knock sounded. Esme opened the door to reveal Jacob, Embry, Seth, Leah, and Quil.

“Can we help you?” Snarled Rose, still thinking that it was everyone's fault.

“I just had a feeling.” Said Jacob, looking defeated and broken.

“Yeah, and he dragged everyone here because of it.” Growled Embry.

“He's only mad because we dragged him away from his date.” Teased Seth, rummaging through the Cullen's fridge.

Embry growled in warning and Seth laughed, pulling Bella in for a hug. Jacob nodded in everyone's direction, showing that he was not there to cause anyone any harm.

Bella was still reeling from the fact that Waverly could cause him so much pain, she had never caused him this much pain. She needed to help him.