Status: Complete

Tangles of My Heart

Chapter ThirtyTwo

Jacob Black

I was lost.

Very, very lost.

This is what happens when your dragged to a foreign country by a very strong pixie like blood sucker.

Lost in the forest of Italy. Just great.

Embry must have been in his human form because I had tried contacting him through thoughts but he was . . . offline.

I couldn't smell anything familiar, nothing. Not a thing. Thank you Alice, you suck immensely.

Waverly meant the world to me whether or not it was just the imprinting that made me love her so much, the fact remains. I do love her.

Carlisle told me that Darien was inside her head, making her worst fear come to life. We found out from Michelle, who managed to get into her head that her worst fear was everyone leaving her.

Guess what she's going to think when she wakes up and I'm not there?

I'll give you one guess.

There was a bird flying overhead, one with stroking blue feathers and a small golden beak. It crowed, a jingling sound, one that nearly sounded like bells.

I could almost make out a little voice in the midst of the tinkering.

Follow me

Then I laughed because I was going crazy, thinking birds could talk. Then again, Vampires and Werewolves existed, so what was SO crazy about a talking bird.

So I followed it, for nearly 2 hours, until I was at a clearing. I looked up, changing forms, and came face to face with the massive castle we had being taking up residence with.

I howled and climbed up the massive wall to the room where I knew Waverly was being kept.

I smiled as I leaped through the window, but it only faded the longer I stood there.

The whole room was empty.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another kind of short one.

I was listening to Eminem's Lose Yourself while writing this one. He truly is a lyrical genius when he isn't being a douche.

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