Status: Complete

Tangles of My Heart

Chapter ThirtyFour

Waverly Braxton

“Maybe if had waited just a little longer . . .” I trailed off, we were now on a first class flight back to Forks.

Carlisle said he would send for our things and get the school situation sorted out.

“Wave, we waited two extra days.” Said Michelle, with annoyance in her voice.

I knew that I was being needy but I had just gotten over everything that happened, and I was ready to be with Jake, only to find that 'Ooops' he is nowhere to be found.

Michelle would be in the same position I was in if this had happened to her, although in her case there would be more tears.

My lonelyness was only increasing as we waited on the tarmac, and Embry was kissing Michelle, Edward and Bella were engaged in a conversation where there was plenty of touching involved. Alice and Jasper were content just staring at each other. Emmett and Rose were in the bathroom doing God only knows what.

“Will everyone please turn off there cell phones, laptops, Blackberry's. Any electronics.” Said a booming voice over the intercom.

I held the power button down on my phone and relaxed as my iPod played my music.

Jacob Black

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

I had gotten Waverly's ring tone.

Again and again and again.

“Hello, I need to book a flight. Yes. To Fork's Washington.” As soon as the woman thanked me and hung up I slammed the phone shut and took off running.

They had told me they had a last minute flight and if I could be there in half an hour I could make it. With my speed I could be there in 5 minutes.

I had figured Waverly was already home and had been home for a while now, or that's how Jane had made it seem.

I was sitting quietly in my seat. I could only afford common seats, so I sat back and relaxed as much as I could while the little brat behind me kicked my chair incessantly.
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2 short chapters makes up on long chappy right?
Check out my new Damon Salvatore story. It's my new baby, I figure I'm finished a story, so I'll start a new one.
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