Status: Complete

Tangles of My Heart

Chapter ThirtyFive

Waverly Braxton


That sounded nice. It would have sounded nicer if I knew that Jacob would be waiting for me.

I had imagined coming home, broken and sad. I would get my bags out of the trunk, not accepting help from Emmett. Michelle would be carrying Bee and Embry would be carrying her mass amount of luggage. I would be looking at my feet trying to blink back the tears. I would look up to see Michelle with a smile the size of Texas on her face and everyone else's expressions looking quite similar.

I would look to the door and see his muscular form and bright smile. He would wipe the tears from my eyes and say,

“I know I'm beautiful to look at but there really isn't any need to cry.”

Despite his words I would burst into tears and jump at him. We would stand there for hours and he would whisper,

“I'll never leave you.”

What actually happened was this:

I was home, broken and sad. I hid my tears from everyone but I'm pretty sure they knew I was crying, because the more discreet I tried to be, the more aware they became.

I hauled my duffel bag out of the trunk.

“Let me get that for you, Shorty.” Smiled Emmett, making a grab for my blue bag. I cut infront of him.

“Really it's fine.” I pulled it out of the trunk and dragged it to the door.

“Mommy, uppy, uppy!” Beatrice demanded, Michelle picked her up and was trying to push her bags with her when Embry swooped in and took all of her and Bee's bags, with one arm.

She smiled at him and he lightly kissed her lips, Beatrice screamed playfully and stopped fussing when he bent down and kissed her cheek.

I looked up towards the door and . . .


I resisted the urge to sob and put the key in the door, I opened it and everyone walked through.

“Bee, go up to your room and put your dollies away. Embry will help you.” Michelle smiled evilly at the fact she had volunteered him for something he didn't really want to do.

None the less he smiled and chased her up the stairs.

The Cullen's went to sit in the living room while I went to the kitchen to see what I could make the rest of the La Push pack who were coming over in about five minutes.

I started boiling the water and poured in the pasta.

I wiped at a stray tear and promised myself it would be the last tear I ever shed for Jacob Black. Even though I knew it was a lie.

I rested my hand on the stove and pulled it back instantly.


I cradled the red pulsing burn and ran to the sink and ran it under cold water.

“That looks bad. You should get some ice for that.” My blood ran cold and suddenly I didn't give a damn about the burn.

I spun around and looked into his eyes. He was smiling hugely though his eyes held sorrow.

“Waverly I'm so sorry, I got lost and then-”

“Shut up and kiss me.” I demanded.


“Before I change my mind!” I smiled and out lips connected passionately. I was vaguely aware of Michelle cheering from the doorway but I was so on fire I didn't notice.

Jacob rested his head against mine, and said the words I nearly died hearing,

“I'll never leave you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
That's the end! No more Jacob Black for now. I think we needed a little space anyway. I'm on to Justin Bieber and Damon Salvatore. Check out my new stories. And recommend this one to all your peeps!