Status: Planned Out! No more writer's block! :D

There's a New Vampire King. I Am So Screwed.

Chapter 1

"Your majesty, you need to come with me." I rose my eyebrow at him. Luke always came to get me even for the most trivial of things. This must have been big. Luke was obviously dealing with something very important if he was too frantic to come and get me.

"What's the problem?"

"I'm not sure. They didn't tell me exactly what's going on, because they didn't want anybody to worry. But I've been ordered to take you to the airport. A private jet is waiting to take you out of the country." What was going on? There had been tons of attempts on my life, but it neer scared Luke enough to send me away. This was huge. Whatever was going on, it was clearly more dangerous than anything I had been through in the last twenty years. If Luke was willing to run the entire werewolf population on his own to make sure I was out of the way, something had obviously happened. Something that wasn't just random punks trying to restore the vampires. No. This had to come from one of the big guys.

I reluctantly followed behind the servant and he took me out of the forest to the city, where a limo was waiting. He slid in before me and I grudgingly slid in behind him. I hated being in limos. I hated being in cars in general. The feeling of running was so much more enjoyable. I hated this. I especially hated not knowing what was going on. I knew I was in danger, but I didn't know from what. I probably wouldn't know, either, until the very last minute. Like while the plane was descending. Luke didn't like me to worry. he liked me to feel safe. And, a lot of the time, that meant keeping secrets.

As soon as I got on the jet, the door closed behind me and the pilot started getting ready to take off. I looked around a bit, wondering who was coming with me to wherever we weregoing. I knew very well Luke would never let me go alone. No, I needed to beprotected. he treated me like a glass statue sometimes. I loved him, but I was a lot less fragile than he seemed to think.

I soon discovered Tyler, loungin on a comfy couch, waiting for me. he smiled and pulled me into his lap, kissing my forehead. "What's going on, Tyler?"

"I'll tell you when we're out of the country. When you're safe." I growled and pulled away from him, hating the secrecy. Tyler liked me to feel safe too. Everybody wanted me to feel sae. All I felt at the moment, though, was annoyed.

"I swear to you, Tyler, if you don't let me know what's going on, I will tear open that door and this plane will leave without me."

"You won't like it."

"I may not like knowing, but I hate secrets. So tell me." Tyler gave a long sigh. I could tell that this was really bad. If it had Tyler worried, it was bad. he always seemed calm when I was panicked. if he was worried, i really was in danger.

"My father died." I waited for him continue. "I'm no longer eligible for the throne, being as I consort with werewolves. So the throne went to the only other heir... Darren. He's the king now." He paused and took a deep breath, letting it out really slowly. This was really getting to him. "His first act as king was to offer a reward for bringing you in. Dead... or alive."

"What? but-" what could he possibly want me alive for? I was a werewolf! It's not like he could just make me human and then turn me into a vampire. The process from human to werewolf was a one-way thing. There was no way to become human again. "What could he possibl want me alive for?"

"I don't know." I could tell by the dread in his eyes, though, that he had a few ideas. He had lived with his brother for centuries, after all.

"What might he want?"

"Believe me, you don't want to know."

"Tyler I-" Tyler cut me off by covering my mouth. He sighed and kissed my cheek, rubbing my back comfortingly.

"You think you want to know, sure. But you really don't. Without knowing, you're annoyed with me. But with knowing, you won't be able to sleep for months. Darren's mind is not a pleasant place. I wish that I could kill him, but I can't. I'm still a vampire, even if I live among werewolves. Luke is the only werewolf I can think of that's strong enough to kill him. We'll just have to hope he's able to do so before he gets to you." he paused and grabbedmy face, forcing me to look him in the eye. "Just trust me this once, ok? if you knew what Darren could have come up with, you would lose your mind."

with that said, he kissed my forehead and went to the front of the plane with the pilot, leaving me alone to my thoughts. Sure, I knew that Darren was a horrible person, but Tyler was right. I didn't know what he was capable of. i didn't know how scary his mind might be. Tyler did. I had to trust him this one time. I hated secrets, but anything that had Tyler worried had me terrified. in this case, it was probably best not to ask any questions. the less I knew the better.

I just wished Luke was here to make all this go away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of short... but it does the job of introducing the story! I'm really excited for this story. It's going to be really dangerous. And it'll have a lot of psychological conflicts, to make things more interesting, just like the first one did. It's going to be one hell of a ride. Seriously.

This is gonna be good!
