Status: Planned Out! No more writer's block! :D

There's a New Vampire King. I Am So Screwed.

Chapter 12

I sighed as Darren came in to see me again. He sighed too as he plopped onto the bed next to me. "What do you want to do today?" He suddenly asked.

"What do you mean?"

"We could go bowling. Maybe skiing. I don't care. Whatever you want to do. It doesn't matter if I hate it, I'll do it for you. I want to see you smile, Allissa. I can't get your frown out of my head and I don't like seeing you so unhappy."

"Maybe you shouldn't have bitten me then." He bit his lip and sighed, looking away from me. I looked away too. I knew he was trying, but I couldn't get over the fact that he took me away from Luke and murdered my poor baby. He slowly reached out his hand, half expecting me to slap it away, and moved my hair out of the way of my face. He didn't try to kiss me, although his eyes would dart to my lips every once in a while and pretty much advertise how much he wanted to. "We could do anything you want to."

I laid down so I was looking at the ceiling and thought about it. I could do anything I wanted. "All I want is to see Luke." He bit his lip and looked down at the floor. That was all I needed to see. Luke was not an option. I sighed and thought again. I needed to talk to someone. To have someone hug me and tell me it was going to be ok. And to have them accept me, even if I was a freak now. "I want to see my mom."

Luke and Tyler wouldn't dare let me see her, but I knew I would be ok. Darren bit his lip slightly, and I had a feeling he knew about my mom too. "Are you sure that's safe?"

"Oh come on! She never attacked me! Gosh, you're as bad as Tyler and Luke."

Darren sighed again before smiling. "Alright. We can visit her. BUT I have to be there the whole time." He pulled me into a tight hug that I didn't bother trying to get out of. "I couldn't bare it if you got hurt." I didn't bother pointing out that he had hurt me far more than any physical wound could. He already knew that.

We slipped into the limo and the limo took off silently. Darren looked over at me every once in a while, but didn't bother trying to speak. He knew I would ignore him. The only courtesy I gave him was that I didn't attack him and kill him out of rage. Every once in a while, he would open his mouth to speak, but then sigh and shake his head and look back out the window. All I wanted right now was for my mom to comfort me.

As soon as we arrived at the deserted road next to the forest where my mom was hidden I took off, not bothering to wait for Darren. Even though I promised him he could be there, half the things I had to be comforted for were because of him. I didn't want him there. I was just hoping I could get there before him.

I didn't. He was leaning against the wall, waiting for me. I cursed him inwardly but walked inside without glaring at him, which I was very proud of myself for. "Allissa, is that you?" I smiled and ran over, hugging her tightly.

"Hi, mom."

"Baby, what's wrong?" I frowned slightly. How did she do that? "Why is there a vampire in my house?" she suddenly growled.

"It's ok, he won't hurt us. He's the one who let me see you." She sighed and turned around so that I wasn't visible to Darren and hugged me again.

"What's wrong?"

"There are so many things wrong right now, mom. You just have no idea." She shook her head slightly and patted my back and rubbed my hair to comfort me. I spent the rest of the day making Darren's life a personal hell by complaining about everything he did to me to my mom and crying my eyes out. But, after crying into her shoulder and having her pretend everything was going to be ok for my sake, I actually did feel a little bit better. I actually managed to smile and on the way back to the palace, when Darren tried to start a conversation, I didn't bite his head off.

I felt like the weight of the world was just lifted off of my shoulders, even if it was most likely only temporary. I had needed to see my mom so badly for such a long time. The wait only made it so much better to finally actually be held in her arms and have her comfort me. It was wonderful. And I had to admit, I was slightly thankful towards Darren for allowing me to see her and putting himself through all of the pain I went through just to see me smile. It was kind of sweet, and almost made me forget about what he did to me. Almost.

I fell asleep on the way back to the palace and when I woke up, we had arrived and I found that Darren had moved my head to his lap. I must admit, it was a lot more comfortable than the seat. I managed a small smile in his direction before getting out of the limo and going through the forest to the palace. I only needed to sleep an hour a day now, so I wasn't sleepy at all anymore and I ended up deciding last minute I didn't want to go back to the palace yet. I started walking in a different direction and came across a river. Darren arrived right behind me and we both dipped our feet into the water silently. For once, it wasn't an awkward silence.

I was at peace for now.
♠ ♠ ♠
What do you guys think of the cover? I got a cover for the prequel too. It's got a wolf howling at the moon. I tried to find one that had a vampire and a werewolf. BUT that didn't really work out very well because according to traditional cheesy hollywood, werewolves are extremely ugly and vampires look like freaking bat gargoyles. All of the pictures were extremely ugly and definitely not what I was looking for... so I just stuck with the vampire fangs.

Anyways what did you guys think of this chapter? Still pissed? Slightly happier about things? Eh? :D
