Status: Planned Out! No more writer's block! :D

There's a New Vampire King. I Am So Screwed.

Chapter 18

~Luke's POV~

My eyes slowly opened/ I automatically reached for Allissa's, body, part of me expecting her to be there, but as expected the bed was empty. It was so strange knowing that though we fell asleep together, she awoke without me after only an hour. I burned with jealousy knowing that, other than the guards who rotated sleeping schedules, the only one awake with her would be Tyler. He got to talk to her all he wanted while I slept.

I knew it was unfair to hold a grudge against Tyler, though. I couldn't yell at him for loving her. To be honest, he deserved her more than me, and it was only by a miracle that she didn't realize it. But I couldn't hold his feelings against him like I wanted to. Tyler and I would both do anything for her, andd even though we certainly were rivals in a sense, she came first, and fighting would only upset her.

I sighed as I got up and stretched, feeling a few bonescrack in appreciation. I thought briefly about where I could find Allissa and sighed as I realized the most likely answer. I'd lvoe to say she'd probably be within the royal chambers with me, afterall our living quarters could provide anything she could possibly need, both physically or to keep her entertained, but it seemed like the only place she ever went was by Tyler's side. I knew part of it was because Tyler was Darren's brother, and understood why Allissa was so upset. But it felt like she was fading out of my grasp. I wasn't sure if I really was losing her, but it felt like it.

The guilt for what I had done was still eating at me, but I spent as much time with Allissa as possible trying to make up for it. That was what I was planning on doing now, as always. I figured today I might take her out for a run. It'd been a while since I transformed, and the wolf in me was begging to come out. Allissa hadn't transformed for longer than I had, and even if she was half vampire, she still had a wolf side and it would want out. It was perfect. When a werewolf went into wolf form, instinct took over and any problems on their mind faded away. I wouldn't think about Tyler, and Allissa wouldn't think about Darren. For once, we could just be together without all the complications. Just the thought of it made me smile.

I reached Tyler's room and clenched my fists seeing the door closed. I hated seeing the door closed when Allissa was in there. I figured they weren't doing anything, but my jealousy still flared at the sight of it. What could they possible be doing that they'd need to close the door for?

It took me a minute before I was calmed down enough to not break the door down and scare Allissa. In that minute, I heard something I was definitely not supposed to hear, and I wasn't sure whether I was more thankful that I knew or despaired at the thought.

"I can't believe you never told him."

"I didn't want him to get even more upset. He was already completely distraught at you disappearing, imagine how awful he'd be if he knew."

"I still think I should tell him. He deserves to know about... Serena."


"It would have been a girl. I know it. And I would have named her Serena."

"Serena? Girl? Allissa, you were a month along! You don't get to know the gender until a ways in. You were a month. A month and you named it?"

"Everyone deserves to have a name when they die. And it doesn't matter if it was only a month. I was still pregnant. I had a life in me Tyler! A LIFE! And it... it was snatched away from me. From Luke. She was our baby. And he doesn't even know. I should tell him."

"If you do you'll only upset him."

"But we could always try for another one. I thought... I mean, it took twenty years for me to get pregnant. I was starting to think I was infertile or something. Luke and I were ready to give up. We both wanted a kid so badly but it just didn't seem possible after twenty years. But then Serena came... and I never got to hold her. I never got to tell her I loved her. But if she was created, at least there's hope, right? We could have another baby... and it might take a while, but it's possible. Just knowing that it's possible is such a relief. But knowing that knowledge came with her death is unbearable. I need Luke to know. I need to hold me and tell me it'll be alright. I need him to say we'll have another baby, and that he isn't worried about how long it takes. I need him to know."

"Well then, I guess tell him. But please, don't tell him I knew. If he knew I'd lied to him, I don't know what he'd do."

I wasn't sure whether to punch Tyler for lying to me or to go straight to Allissa and tell her everything she wanted to hear. I went for both. First things first, I let my temper get the best of me as always and ripped the door off of its hinges, punching Tyler straight in the jaw. "How could you not tell me?! You knew how long we'd been trying, but you still held back the information that after twenty years, she was finally pregnant? What the fuck?!"

Then my temper took a rest and I launched myself over to the bed where Allissa was crying her eyes out. I scooped her up in my arms and cradled her gently, whispering everything she wanted in her ear. "I promise you, we'll have another baby. I don't care how long it takes, we will. And it'll be a beautiful girl, and we'll name her Serena. And she'll grow up to be the msot amazing little girl you ever saw, just like her mommy. And I'll make sure nothing ever happens to her. I swear." She cried harder and hugged me tighter.

I couldn't believe she was pregnant. After twenty years, she was finally pregnant and she lost our Serena after only a month. Knowing I had Allissa with me was the most amazing feeling in the world, but even though I never got to see that baby be born a part of me was ripped away when I knew she existed and didn't anymore. The thought of it was awful. But it made me appreciate being with Allissa even more, knowing that she was alive and she made it through all this. And I knew she'd get pregnant again, eventually.

I didn't care how long it took, we'd bring that baby into the world. Our Serena.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have a contest going on! I just posted it yesterday and nobody's entered yet. There are fifty spots that I want to fill so please click the link I beg of you!

Poor Luke. He didn't know this whooole time! But now he has finally found out about poor little Serena. Things are going to stay slow for another chapter or so before I decide to pick them up again. I thought I'd give Luke time to recover from Serena before everything went to crap again. Love yas!
