Status: Planned Out! No more writer's block! :D

There's a New Vampire King. I Am So Screwed.

Chapter 2

~Luke's POV~

I hated this. even as I pored over papers, complaints from different werewolves across the entire world that I just had to solve since I was king, all I could think of was Allissa. Was she safe? What if the plane crashed? No, that one was a silly question. I knew very well Tyler would save her if that happened. But what if Darren got to her? i had no idea what he was planning. But I knew it wouldn't be good.

"Sir..." The poor servant was practically shaking as he bowed and waited for me to respond. Everybody knew that this sudden change had shot my nerves, and my temper. Everybody was scared as to what I might do, what might set me off. When a werewolf lost their temper, it was not a pretty sight. I had never lost my temper once since the time Seth threatened Allissa. But you never knew. It could happen.

"What is it...?" i asked cautiously. My heart was hammering in my chest. What if something bad happened to Allissa?! I couldn't deal witheternity on my own! I just couldn't live wihout knowing she was alive and safe.

"It's nothing bad, your majesty!" The servant rushed to provide. I immediately relaxed and smiled. "I've just been sent to inform you that her majesty and the vampire have landed safely in Kyoto."

"Good. Now leave me... please," I found myself adding on the end, to ease his nerves. he shot me a nervous smile before bolting out of the room. I sighed and sank into my chair. She was safe. That was all that matter, was that she was safe. so what if I couldn't hold her, kiss her, or even look at her? She was safe, and that was all that mattered.

Kyoto, Japan was a long ways away. It was far enough that it would take a while for Darren's message to reach there, and it was in Japan, which was an island, so it would take even longer. It asn't large enough for the news to get to to fast, like Tokyo was, but it did have modern luxuries and things that would make Allissa happy. I knew it was the best place for her to go to. I just wish i could be there with her.

"Sir..." This servant was much braver than the last. He held himself with a strong posture that refused to waver, no matter how much his voice did. I smiled slightly. At least he wasn't shaking. Although his voice was shaking so much you would think his body must be. It was rather funny.


"You told us to inform you of how far people know about the problem. News of the king's death has spread, but not news of Darren's order yet. It has not even left the country."

"Good. Please inform me when it does." Because that's when I would really start to worry. "You may go now." Pretty much all of the servants were to focus on Allissa for the time being. Her safety and happiness was the most important thing in the world to me. if anyone tried to take her away from me, they would pay the price.

Speaking of which, I still had yet to talk with my general about killing Darren. We had to kill him, it was the only way to save Allissa. Although I winced just thinking about it. Allissa had spent twenty years convincing the werewolves that the vampires were not monsters. That they were people, just like us. This was such a waste for all of her work. It would enrage the vampires, they would attack the werewolves, and the viscious cycle would start all over again. All of that time for nothing.

i was convinced that there was hope between the vampires and werewolves. Tyler was proof of it. He had yet to steal Allissa, despite how he imagined it in his mind from time to time (believe it or not, Tyler and I had talked about this before. It was the scariest conversation I've ever had in my life). he genuinely wanted Allissa to be happy.

Tyler treated Allissa like he was her overprotective brother. he protected her from anything that put her body, her mind, or her heart in danger. Sometimes he even stepped in and stopped me from doing something that would mess this all up. Even if he could just step aside, let it happen, and take Allissa away from me. he treated her like a brother, but he wanted something completely different.

He didn't even want her to replace Cassandra anymore. He had genuinely fallen for Allissa. And she remained clueless. it was such a parasitic relationship they had, and i almost felt bad for him. He had become my friend, strangely enough. if you told me twenty years ago I would trust a vampire enough to send him off to japan with my mate, I would kill you instantly for lying so blatantly. But i did trust Tyler. he wouldn't do anything to hurt Allissa. No matter how painful it was for him, he would protect her from anything.

Especially himself. He protected her from himself consistently.

"Sir..." I growled under my breath. That sent the poor maid into a frenzy. "I spolgize for interrupting you, sir, but Master Lawrence is here to see you. He said you sent for him."

"Yes. Send him in." The girl quickly curtsied and ran from the rom, wanting to get Glen before I became upset. Glen lawrence was my main general for the werewolf soldiers. It was time to start talking strategy. Somehow, I would manage to kill Darren without ruining everything Allissa worked for. It would be so easy to just cut his head off, and I would enjoy every second of it, but I couldn't do that. For Allissa's sake. that girl had me wrapped around her petite finger so completely. She really was oblivious as to exactly how many people she had wrapped around her finger.

I would say at least half of the werewolf population. Everybody loved her and would do anything for her. Especially me. And, unfortunately, especially Tyler too. At least Allissa remained oblivious. if she learned about how Tyler felt, all hell would break loose. She had a vague idea, but not nearly to the extent that the feelings he had ran. She pretty much just figured he imagined she was like Cassandra. So innocent. So oblivious.

Glen came in. the first thing he said was "I'm sorry."

"Why?" He rose his eyebrows and sighed.

"I was visiting the family today. And I was forced to take my sister with me. i am so sorry. i'll try to make sure she doesn't cause any trouble."

"I don't want that thing near my home! Let alone living under it." he opened his mouth, ready to defend Lilly, but closed it, realizing that even if she was his sister, she really didn't deserve to be defended in this case. "You had better keep her under control. if she comes near me, it'll be her death sentence." Glen gulped and nodded. The last thing I needed was Lilly all over me while my love was in danger.

Glen slowly and cautiously sat in the spare chair and we started talking strategies, still tense from the situation. He was tense because his sister might die from her overly active sex drive, and I was tense because if Lilly did come near me... Allissa would find out, and assume the worst. She always assumed the worst. For someone so bubbly, she really could be quite pessimistic.

Things were very bad right about now.
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Sixteen subscribers already... that makes two stars after one chapter. Not bad. Still waiting for the rest of my subscribers, but after one chapter that's pretty much the bomb. Thanks guys!
