Status: Planned Out! No more writer's block! :D

There's a New Vampire King. I Am So Screwed.

Chapter 22

~Tyler's POV~

It was clear that Allissa was getting endlessly restless. She wanted to escape, to stretch her legs and run free. She wanted it more than anything, but everyone refused to give it to her, which only made her want it more. Generally, immortality gave one endless patience, but with Allissa it only made her want to explore the world, knowing that she had plenty of time to before she was in any danger of dying. It did not help that she had recently become half vampire, and new vampires tended to be exceptionally adventurous.

At this rate, she would be in Seth's clutches before we knew it.

"I''m dying, Tyler. I want, no I need to get out of here. Can't we at least go for a walk or something? I don't care if we need to be escorted by all of the guards that probably can't protect me any better than a leaf, I just want to get out of here." I was desperate to see her smile. Seeing her frown was the worst thing in the world. It made me feel as if the world was going to be destroyed any minute. But for once, I didn't have the option of giving her what she wanted.

"I'm sorry, Allissa. But we have to have our eyes on you, and it's hard to do that when you're running wild."

"I'm going to get captured eventually. I'd rather do something fun and make it happen sooner than put it off by locking myself in what is essentially just a different prison than what Seth will throw me in."

"Seth doesn't want to throw you in a prison. He wants to kill you. Kill you."

"Is he allowed to do that, by the way? I'm half vampire."

"But to him, you're half werewolf, and that's all that matters. He doesn't care about the vampire half. Although... I know someone who will... I have to make a call. I'll be right back."

And I was. I was only gone about two minutes. But when I returned, it wasn't to the peaceful scene I left. It was to Allissa screaming and crying in pain, clutching her wrist as the guards stood wide-eyed, not knowing what to do. "What the fuck happened here?"

"She started fading and then she bit her lip and suddenly became clear again. That's all I know..." SHIT.

"Allissa? Allissa, listen to me, it's going to be..." My eyes widened as she started fading again. Seth was one determined bastard. "Allissa, you're going to have to bite yourself again..." She screamed louder than she already was, shaking her head as she flickered in and out of existence. "Allissa, do it now!" I even moved her wrist right in front of her mouth to make it easier.

Allissa clenched her eyes shut and bit her wrist, screaming loud enough to fill the entire palace. Luke immediately came rushing in, eyes wide and breathing heavy. One look around the room, and he knew exactly what had happened, cursing to himself. He was by Allissa's side in an instanty, trying to take her mind off of the pain. "He tried to conjure her twice in a row..." I whispered, making Luke's eyes widen in a panic. There wasn't a limit to how many times Seth could conjure her, but there was a limit to how many times Allissa could bite herself before her body wouldn't take it anymore.

She started fading a third time... fourth time... and then her body started shaking violently, making it clear that it wouldn't be able to take a fifth. "Allissa, listen to me..." Luke soothed, kissing the top of her head. "Glen has ideas running through his head to rescue you, but if he conjures you again, you've got to try to get away as hard as you can.

"You can... you can come with!"

"Allissa, teleporting secondhand is a nasty business, and by the time I recovered, he would already have knocked me out."

"I'll go," I offered quietly. "I've teleported secondhand tons of times with my father, and my body is slightly used to it. I'll recover quickly enough to fight Seth, and if I fail I can get help knowing where they are."

Luke nodded silently and Allissa started fading away again. I quickly grabbed her in tact wrist before it was too late, and felt the familiar sickness creep up when we arrived. It was only a moment, and when I recovered Allissa and Seth were playing a viscious game of cat and mouse, Seth with a self assured smirk already painted on his face.

Before helping, I quickly scanned the area, thinking of any vampiric secrets that I could be standing near. In a moment, my mind made a connection and I snarled, tackling Seth to the ground in rage. The idea of using such a sacred place for his own purposes was monstrous. "How could you do this? You're betraying the trust of your own people in your desperate, pathetic attempt for power."

Seth just sneered and punched my face. He had never dared before, but time had made him stupid. It was less than a second before I was back on my feet and dragging him away from Allissa. "Run! Go uphill and don't look back." She took one look at Seth struggling in my arms and took off just as I slammed my elbow into his shoulder. He growled loudly and flipped me over his head, sending me further than I would ever expect him capable of until I crashed into a tree with utter force, almost shattering my spine.

Seth had always been the nerdy type, but apparently he had changed more than I thought after I left. He had become terrifyingly powerful, no doubt due to some of my brother's sly methods. I couldn't move for over a minute while I healed. I could only watch as Seth went uphill and returned, a screaming and thrashing Allissa in his hands. He quickly sent her slamming into the ground, the loud crack making me wince and knocking her out cold. I could only watch as he whistled a cheery tune and winked at me before disappearing.

And just like that, Allissa was gone...
♠ ♠ ♠
It's been coming for a long time, and I felt it was time. But fear not! The story is FAR from over... Anywho, this one feels kind of blah... but whatever. Love yas!
