Status: Planned Out! No more writer's block! :D

There's a New Vampire King. I Am So Screwed.

Chapter 3

~Allissa's POV~

I sighed and forced myself to get out of the bed. Tyler was right. If i slept anymore, I would lose my sleeping pattern and wouldn't be able to sleep for months. It was nice, though, because I didn't even have to alter my sleeping pattern to fit Japan. My sleeping pattern was normally nocturnal, like most werewolves. But Tyler figured it would be best to be up with the sun instead. Vampires didn't normally go out during the day. Although they technically could.

"What are we doing today, anyways?"

"I figured we'd go see some temples." I let out a long sigh. "I know. You've only complained about this a milloion times." Tyler let out a soft chuckle before turning to me. "But as long as we're here, we might as well enjoy it. Japan is absolutely beautiful. and before you even ask the question, no we won't get lost because I can speak japanese."

"Really? How?"

"I was here a few centuries ago," Tyler said casually with a slight shrug of his shoulder. "Back then, the palace was in Japan. It changes every few centuries or so." I gawked at him. He spoke about it all so nonchalant. I wouldn't be able to be that neutral about it. He had lived here, and now he was back and everything was different. What must that feel like?

"O- oh. Well, let me get dressed and we can go." I flashed him a smile before gathering up some clothes and going to take a shower. I loved being in a shower. It washed away all of my worries and I could just focus on the heat radiating off of my body from the water. It was nice. After a while, I forced myself to get out and put on the clothes.

I came out and we went to travel around and see some temples. Tyler was right, as he always seemed to be. The temples were wonderful. Tyler made them all the more wonderful. He told stories about each and every temple we visited. he had lived in Japan when they were being built and all of that, so he could give me some honest stories about what happened at some point in them. Some of them were beautiful stories, some of them were tragic.

My favorite was a story about a girl. Tyler had been visiting the Fushimi Inari Shrine when she ran in pleading for sanctuary. Her name was Chihiro. She was a beautiful werewolf, who had enraged the werewolf queen into a great jealousy when the king found himself yearning for her. This was long after the war between vampires and werewolves had started, and helpin her would mean betraying the vampires.

But he helped her anyways. He explained that even as he was growing up, he had never been able to bring himself to hate the werewolves. He even found himself starting to fall for Chihiro. Aparently Tyler had always been a hopeless romantic, and he always seemed to fall in love with the most dangerous girl possible. When he said that, he was grinning as if it was some inside joke. I had a feeling there were a few more of these girls he hadn't told me about yet. I would ask him later.

Anyways, he led her to the vampire palace and hid her in his chamber. the werewolf queen had ordered her dead and Tyler knew the vampires would not stop hunting for her until they found her and killed her. And so he made up a plan to trick the devious queen into thinking Chihiro was dead so she could live. They went to the middle of the forest and Chihiro started screaming for a minute or so before Tyler laid her gently on the ground and dripped some juice from red berries on her to look like blood.

When the soldiers found them, they found Tyler "feasting" on Chihiro and immediately rushed off to tell the queen of the girl's death. Tyler took chihiro to the vampire palace again and put her in the dungeon. Nobody would question who she was r how she got there, because she was a werewolf. But all knew that she was Tyler's personal prisoner, and dare not torture her, for that was his job, his privilege. There, in the dungeons, she lived and was safe. Her beauty never faded due to her immortality. And they loved each other dearly as long as she lived.

He told me only briefly of how she died. He focused on the happiness of the tale. I could tell he was trying to stop me from hearing anything that would upset me. Sometimes he was too sensitive for his own good. He would go to any lengths to keep me smiling. I didn't pester him to tell me anything more, though. I could tell he never truly let Chihiro go, just like he would never let Cassandra go completely from his heart. He was so tragic sometimes. I still had to believe there was some hope for him, for my own sanity's sake. someday he would meet somebody wonderful and she wouldn't die on him. Who knew. Maybe they'd live forever, or maybe they'd die together. One could only hope as much, anyways.

One day, a guard got cocky and tried to take advantage of chihiro. Rather than be proved unfaithful towards her love, she killed herself before the guard had even opened the gate to come in. It was tragic, but beautiful in a way. Only old tales seemed to reflect such beautiful love, that they were willing to sacrifice themselves for their lover. That quality had fadedover time. In today's society, you were lucky if they were willing to gve up their bank accounts for you, let alone their life. But i knew Luke would die for me. And i would die for him. I suppose we both were a bit old fashioned that way.

Thinking of Luke brought on a tidal wave of sorrow. I had lived with luke in my life longer than I had lived before meeting him. That made a very powerful connection. i had lived twenty years (practically twenty-one if you included the year when we met and fell i love and went through peril together), and had only lived sixteen years without him. I forever looked sixteen, on the edge of seventeen. Luke had changed me a month before my birthday.

I soon found myself sobbing into Tyler's chest whispering "I miss him, I need him," and other things that made me sound like a stalker while Tyler rubbed my back comfortingly and tried to get me to calm down. After about ten minutes, Tyler gave up and picked me up gently, placing me in the passanger seat before sliding over to the driver's side of the car we were renting. Under some random werewolf's name and credit card so Darren couldn't track us.

We arrived and Tyler carried my delicate and fragile self inside and set me gently on the bed. It almost hurt, how gentle he was with me, reminding me of how pathetic I was being. But, no matter how awful I was being, Tyler wordlessly crawled in next to me and lay my head on his chest, rubbing my back and whispering comforting thoughts into my ears. It took hours before the tears stopped and then I fell asleep instantly from exhaustion.
♠ ♠ ♠
Poor Tyler. I really do like him! And it kind of sucks that pretty much his entire life has been based on pain. But, even through all of that, he's so nice! He amazes me. I absolutely adore him! I want someone who will kiss my forehead and comfort me and all of that stuff... he's such a teddy bear.

Do you guys think I should throw in Tyler's POV? I kind of want to, but I'm not completely sure. What do you guys think? Let me know!

Love yas! Laterz!