Status: Planned Out! No more writer's block! :D

There's a New Vampire King. I Am So Screwed.

Chapter 4

~Luke's POV~

Glen's and my wishes for peace crumbled far too soon. It took only a few days for Lilly to figure out how to sneak around the palace undetected and avoid the guards easily. She had been at the palace before, and still knew how to navigate it, but the guarding system had changed. Thank goodness it had, or she would have been on me by nightfall.

But five days was not very long. Glen knew his sister would be doomed if she came near me, and Lilly knew as well. But she reveled in danger rather than shying away from it. Perhaps that was why she only liked men who were taken. Being warned of her certain death only excited her. She loved being in danger of death more than anything. Once, she snuck into my father's chamber while the queen was sleeping right next to them, knowing if the queen woke up she would be put into a torture cell for all eternity. Yes, even my father had been with her for a night. She was irresistible to every man who doubted his love, even subconsciously.

I was not one of those men anymore. I had found the one for me and this whore wasn't going to change that.

Lilly snuck in and sauntered over to where I was laying, looking at the ceiling. My vision of the patterns was suddenly clouded by the shadow of that familiar face that was inevitably linked with my worst deeds. Every man makes mistakes, but unlike most, every mistake I ever made lead back to Lilly. She was there for every single thing I did wrong, cheering me on with her fiery eyes.

She smiled her seductive smile and laid on the charm to the max. But I refused no matter what she did. She growled after a while and slammed her fist against the headrest. "Luke, listen to me. I was better than all those girls. You even said so yourself. Every time, when we were finished, you were amazed as to how good I was compared to your current girlfriends."

"Allissa isn't just my random girlfriend to keep me entertained. She's the love of my life and my mate. Now back off."

"You know I would be better in bed than her."

"Practice doesn't always make perfect. You made me fill with lust, but Allissa makes me fill with so much more. She's much better than a whore like you." She growled and spat on my face. But then it softened and she started to carress my cheek. i growled, but she refused to listen.

I didn't want Glen learning of this yet. As soon as he learned of his sister, he would fall into silence and his strategies would be lost to me. So I was quiet. I didn't yell and order the guards to seize her. That had to be done quietly. Lilly softly stroked my cheeks and whispered, "We had a good time, didn't we? We had lots of good times."

"Yes. Now let's leave it at that before it goes sour. You're a lust goddess, nothing more. And more is exactly what I need now. I have Allissa. She's my everything. If you back off quietly and give up, I won't have you killed." She laughed.

"You won't kill me. A leas not yet. You need my dear old brother. And you know how older brothers are. Always protecting their younger siblings against any threat." She smiled again and leaned in to whisper in my ear. It sent shivers down my spine, as she had intended, but it was nothing next to Allissa. I kept reminding myself of Allissa's smile and her way of leaving me in a puddle while Lilly trailed her fingers slowly up my chest. I refused to give into her.

She whispered in my ear, and I could feel her lips vibrating. "You're right. I am a lust goddess. and guess what? You're a sex god. You've always been a sex god, and you always will be a sex god. You can't just change like this. You may not give in now, but you will soon. Long before you're able to kill Darren, this bed will hold some new memories. The best memories you've had in a long time." With that, she smirked and slipped out of the room.

It was easy to apprehend her, but keeping her quiet was completely another matter. Ithe longer it took for Glen to discover what had happened, the better. And she made it very difficult. She started shrieking at first, and i had to resort to knocking her out. the guards bowed, shaking from fear at the reminder of what my temper was without Allissa to tame it, and carried her away to the dungeons.

It had been six days since I saw Allissa last, smiling and oblivious to the chaos that was about to consume our world. I had been smiling too. It was impossible not to smile with her around. And now, only six days later, the ghost of my past was being locked in the dungeon for trying to seduce me yet again in Allissa's absence. It was ridiculous.

With Lilly gone and that threat out of the way, now I only needed to worry about Allissa hearing about it. She would assume the worst. She would assume I had given into Lilly, and nobody could possibly know what she would do. Allissa was always oblivious to the truth in the funniest little things. She couldn't tell Tyler honestly loved her. She couldn't tell that the respect she always fought for had been earned over a decade ago.

But this was no funny little thing. If I lost Allissa, if she left me, I couldn't go on living. But, at the same time, keeping it a secret from her would only make it worse. So what was i supposed to do?

I had absolutely no idea.
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I decided I will do Tyler's POV, but not quite yet. he knows some things that are not to be revealed yet. This story is going to be so good. I can't wait until it develops further.
