Status: Planned Out! No more writer's block! :D

There's a New Vampire King. I Am So Screwed.

Chapter 7

~Allissa's POV~

I sighed as I got out of bed. "I want to see my mom," i whispered. It was almost like it was a secret. Because I already knew what the answer wold be before asking. Maybe I could see her when this was all over and I was back in the USA. Although I'd have to be sneaky about it.

The story of why I was forbidden to see my own mother was strange. Every once in a while, it's rare but it happens, when a human is turned into a werewolf they loose their humanity. They are not werewolves, they are only wolves. Viscious wolves that would kill anything they saw. That partially happened to my mother. She went mad and killed ten people before she got t me. But as she rose her paw to strike me down, her eyes widened and she whimpered once before running away.

Her humanity had returned to her, but Luke and Tyler were afraid she would loose it again. She had lost it once or twice since then, but it always came back. Luke and Tyler were just being paranoid. But I was pregnant, and I wanted someone t comfort me. And not a guy, because they would never understand. No. I needed to talk to a female, and my mom was the best possible one I could think of was a mother. Mom would understand everything completely because she was a mother herself.

I sighed and got out of bed, trudging into the shower and letting it relax my muscles. After I got dressed, I got up and looked out the window. the sun was so beautiful. I had forgotten how wonderful it was to feel the sun sink into my skin after twenty years of being nocturnal. I closed my eyes and smiled. This was gret. Now if only I could figure out how to get to my mom. I wanted to talk to her so badly. I missed how she could just smile like a little kid and make all of my problems melt away. I missed her so much.

"Please don't cry. I hate to see you cry." I hadn't even noticed I was crying until Tyler wiped away my tears and pulled me into a hug. I pulled away slightly and looked him in the eye. I was determined now. I was going to see my mother, whether they liked it or not.

"I want to see my mom."

"You know why you can't-"

"No, I don't! She's lost her humanity a few times, sure. But she always gets it back! And she never once attacked me. She had a chance to, but she recognized me. I have no clue exactly what you guys are afraid of. She won't hurt me."

"She didn't atack you because her humanity came back at the right time. But what happens if it doesn't come back in time this time? She would kill you, without any humanity to stop her." I sighed and pulled out of his hug.

"I want to see her. I don't care what you say."

"Well, you can't. I am here to keep you safe. And right now, Japan is safe and your mother most certainly is not."

"Well I don't care what you think! I'm pregnant, I'm hormonal, and you do not want to mess with me." The tone of voice I was using even scared me a little, and I could see Tyler getting a little nervous, but it didn't last very long. His face was soon back to the calm, serene face he always wore. But all of that shattered when i said the worst three words imaginable. Three words I would always regret saying to him. "I hate you." His face when I said that was heartbreaking. He literally fell to his knees in shock and stared at me with the saddest face imaginable.

At the moment, I didn't care. I grabbed my jacket and stormed out of the room and walked around Japan, alone. I sat under a tree and picked at the leaves a little bit it was kind of nice to be alone, without Tyler always trying to make me smile. for once, I didn't want to smile. I just wanted the freedom to frown. And frown I did. And cry a little. And punch the tree in anger.

I was so emotional, it was ridiculous. but after a while, I had gotten all of my frustration out. And I was ready to go back and face Tyler and beg him for forgveness. I pulled myself up and was ready to go back when I noticed the sunset. smiled and sat down. It had been a long time since I saw the sunset too. It was beautiful. Purple and red and orange and pink, all clashing together in the most wonderful ways imaginable. It was great.

After watching the sunset, I got up again and was ready to go before I got pinned to the tree by a vampire. "What are you doing, dog?" I growled and clawed his face. he howled with pain and I started running away. But there was a slight problem. Sure I could run quickly, but vampires could run faster than werewolves. The vampire tackled me to the ground and bared his teeth at me. I glared at him and his eyes widened. "Forgive me, your majesty." he smiled and I growled. "I didn't recognize you." with that, he laughed as if he had said some inside joke and disappeared.

"Tyler!" He immediately appeared in front of me. "We've got a problem. I just got recognized."

"We'll have to leave at once. It's not safe for you to stay here."

"Tyler? I'm so-"

"Save it. I know you didn't mean it." But from the tone of his voice, I could tell it still hurt him a lot. "Let's go."

"Where are we going now?"

"I don't know. Where do you want to go?"

"I've always wanted to see France."

"France it is, then. And we're getting you contacts."

"Good idea. Let's go now."

"You're not going anywhere." I spun around to come face to face with at least fifteen vampires.

Well, this looked promising...