Status: Finished

Break Out

Chapter 1

I was sitting in the backseat of Matt's beat up black car waiting on my boyfriend, Zack, and his friend Johnny. We'd been planning for this moment for the past four months and it was finally being put into action.

What are we doing, you might ask. We're breaking them out of prison.

About six months ago, we were all hanging out at a local park when a small group walked up and started some shit with us. One of them ended up dead and Zack and Johnny ended up in Folsom State Prison in California, around seven hours from where we lived.

"What do you think's keeping them?" I asked, after looking at the clock to find out that they were about five minutes later than it should have taken.

"Casey relax," Matt mused. "I'm sure they're okay and they'll be here any minute. You'll be back with him before sunrise. I promise you that."

I slumped back into the seat. This was taking way longer than the time it should have. They should have been at the place we told them the car was going to be at 2: 25. It was almost 2:35.

About three minutes later I heard, "Casey, look out your window."

My heart just about skipped a beat when I heard Matt say that. A smile adorned my face when I saw Zack standing there. He was grinning also.

"Well come on. Get in the fucking car! We kinda need to go," Matt yelled at them. It was times like these that I was glad Folsom wasn't a heavily guarded prison.

Johnny, who was already half way in the car, slammed the door quickly and Zack climbed in next to me and actually tried to be somewhat quiet.

Matt sped off in the direction of the campsite we were staying in until tomorrow, when we'd leave for Montana. The rest of the guy's friends and my older sister, her husband were already there and found us a place to stay.

"I missed you," I whispered.

"I missed you too," he replied pulling me into a embrace. "It feels nice to have you back in my arms again."

He just held me there. Not that I objected, it was nice.

I looked up and out of the window. We'd just passed the sign that said we were a mile away from where we needed to be. It was a pretty old and barren campground, no one really went there anymore. It was about a half hour drive from the prison and two towns over.

"The tent's already set up and we've got some clothes for you to change into. Try to get a good night sleep, we've got a buys day tomorrow," Matt informed them as he turned onto the dirt road.

They didn't answer verbally, but I felt Zack nod his head. "What is the plan exactly?" Johnny asked.

"Well, when we get up in the morning, we're leaving for Montana. The guys are already there with Chris and Emily. They're trying to find a secluded spot, but if they can't you're going to have to stay indoors. At least until everything blows over," I explained. "Is there anything you guys want right now?"

"Yeah, you guys got any food?" Johnny asked.

"Is that all you think about," Matt laughed. He eased the car into a stop and flipped the headlights off. The tent was barely visible without them. "And yes, we brought food. Its in a bag in the corner of the tent."

Matt and Johnny took off for the tent, probably to scarf down all the food be brought, but Zack and I remained in the car.

He turned to face me, and I could faintly see tears forming in the corners of his eyes. Seeing him cry made me almost tear up too. He leaned down and kissed my forehead lightly before talking.

"Casey, I'm sorry-"

"No, Zack, you don't have to be. I know what happened was an accident, I was there remember?" I cut in, his apology wasn't needed.

"I'm still sorry. I know I should have just left when they started talking shit about you. It just irks me," he explained.

"Well, then I forgive you. Now can we kiss and make up?"

He just laughed and rolled his eyes at me before pressing his lips to mine.

"Hey," Matt said knocking on the car window. "Are you guys gonna sit out here all night or what?"

"I guess we should be getting to bed, I'm driving first tomorrow."

Zack opened the door he was closest to and got out, but before I could do the same his hand was extended out to me. I took with a small grin on my face and kicked the door shut behind me.

We didn't want to bring a lot of blankets to slow us down if we needed to leave in a hurry tomorrow morning, so me and Matt tried to find a soft grassy spot to put the tent. Let me just say that it was a lot more comfortable when we pitched the tent.


"Zack, " I whined after what seemed like forever trying to fall asleep.

"Yeah?" he answered groggily.

"I can't sleep."

"Neither can I," he whispered sitting up. "Come here."

I sat up and scooted over so that I was touching him and laid my head on his shoulder. He wrapped is arms around me and pulled me into his lap. It was truly a Kodak moment.

We sat like that for a couple minutes. Zack surprised me when he laid down. I looked down at him and swung my leg over his stomach so I was straddling him.

"Wow, wow what are you doing?" Matt asked alarmed, he must have been asleep before.

"Calm yourself, Matt. It's not what you think we're doing. Go back to sleep," I said standing up and checking the time on my phone. It was nearing four in the morning.

"I'm hopefully going to sleep, Zack, I love you."

"Love you back."
♠ ♠ ♠
New story. And sorry for the lame ending. I couldn't think of a better way to end it.

Comment: tell me if you love it or hate it. Constructive criticism is better than nothing, so please comment.

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Sorry for any mistakes. I did a spell check but I didn't reread it.
