Status: Finished

Break Out

Chapter 3

Emily was right about one thing. It did look a hell of a lot better on the inside.

There were two small bedrooms on opposite sides of the house. Zack and I would get one and Chris and Emily would get the other. Brian, Matt, Jimmy and Johnny were getting stuck with a pull out couch and a love seat in the living room.

“So, where did Emily get all this furniture? I’m sure it wasn’t already in the house,” Zack asked as we put the small amount of clothes we each had away.

“It wasn’t. They brought most of the things from their apartment and all the extra stuff is from my old place. I moved it into my parent’s basement when I moved in with you,” I explained putting pillow cases onto the pillows.

Zack muttered something under his breath as he sat down on our newly made bed. We’d gotten most of the things we would need here. The necessities, food, bottled water, shelter, and clothes. We weren’t able to get electricity or running water. No one was supposed to know we were here at all.

Evidently there was a creek near by where we could bathe and wash our clothes. It felt like we were going back in time. But Zack was worth all the trouble we’d gone through.

“I’m going to go talk to the guys okay?” I nodded.

I glanced up at the clock hanging on the wall. It said that it was nearing on eight o’clock. It would be getting dark in a little bit.

Zack closed the door quietly behind him as he left. His bag was still sitting on the bed with everything still inside it. I sighed and pulled it to me and started pulling things out and putting them away.

After folding the last few shirts and placing them into a drawer, I could hear them laughing in the other room and decided to join in on all the fun.

“Oh, hey Casey,” Emily sputtered out when she saw me walk into the room.

Why did I have a feeling they were talking about me? Zack didn’t have the guilty look on his face that he usually did when he was or was around people that were talking about another person behind their back. Maybe I was just being paranoid. Yeah, that was probably it.

“Hey, babe. Emily has some of those drink things that you like. Want me to get you one out of the cooler?” Zack asked after h took a swig out of the beer in his hand.

“Yeah, thanks,” I replied. He just grinned at me and walked into the kitchen and opened a blue cooler that was placed on the counter.

He rummaged around through the ice for a minute before pulling out a clear glass bottle and tossing it to me.

“Where does a person go to the bathroom around here?” Johnny asked standing up from his spot next to where Zack just sat back down.

“Out back.”

While he left to go take care of his business I sat down in his spot and Zack slung his arm over my shoulders. I popped the cap off of my bottle.

“So did you have any trouble getting out?” Chris asked. This was the first time I’d heard him talk since we got here. I still have no clue how a shy guy like him go stuck with my chatterbox of a sister.

“There were a couple guards who were talking around where we were supposed to get over the fence. That’s why we were late,” Zack explained to us. “But once they kept going we got to the blind spot to the cameras and ran. You’d be surprised how fast you can run when you’re in a situation like that.”

“Good to hear. We shouldn’t have any trouble here. There aren’t any other houses for miles and they wouldn’t ever probably dream of checking here.”

I love how he added probably in there. We all knew it was a chance to take just being here. I hoped they knew what they signed up for.

“Well, it was nice to see you guys again. But Chris and I are going to head off to bed. See you in the morning,” Emily explained pulling Chris with her as she stood up and walked out of the room.

“No fucking!” Jimmy yelled after them, causing all the guys to burst into laughter. I didn’t think it was very funny, and apparently neither did Zack cause Jimmy glared at us when he saw we weren’t laughing.

I was ignoring the small argument Jimmy and Zack had gotten into after when, someone grabbed my hand and pulled me away. It took a couple seconds before I realized it was Zack. He slammed the door behind us then threw me on the bed. And when he looked at me there wasn’t anything but lust in his eyes. I was not in the mood for this now.

He started walking toward me and I put my hands up to stop him. “No, Zack. Not now. You’re mad at him for some reason and you just need to cool off. I’m going to go find the creek and wash up. Do you want to come with me?”

Reluctantly, he nodded an let out a huff. I simply laughed at him and grabbed a pair of pajamas that I would change into down there.

Hoping that he’d follow I walked out of the room and back into the living room. “We’re going to go find the creek. Be back in a little bit.”

We walked out the back door of the trailer and headed in the direction of the forest. The creek was just beyond the boundaries of the forest.

Zack handed me the body wash that I forgot to grab before leaving. I sat it by the water as I pulled my clothes off until I was in my bra and underwear, then pushed the washrag under the water and squirted some of the red body wash onto it.

“Why are you such a tease?” Zack groaned.


Later that night as Zack and I laid in bed he brought his hands up to my cheeks and pulled my face toward his and kissed my forehead twice before making his way down to my lips.

“Zack, I don’t want you to leave me again,” I whispered breaking the kiss.

“I don’t want to leave you either, I love you.”

“I love you too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Long wait. Sorry, I've been kinda busy lately. But I started a new story yesterday after I ended one. It's called Cat Got Your Tongue? and I've been told by a couple people who read it before I posted it that it's really good.

Comments? More than three this time?