Status: Finished

Break Out

Chapter 4

When I woke up the next morning I was still wrapped in Zack’s arms, just as I was when I fell asleep last night. Zack was already awake and when I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back at me.

“I just want to stay in bed all day,” I said.

Zack smiled again, “Then let’s.”


After Zack and I finally got out of bed today I pulled my hair up and threw on a jacket. Montana wasn’t the warmest states when it came to the morning. I guess we’d all have to get used to it though. We were defiantly going to be here a while.

“It sounds like everyone else is up,” Zack laughed as he pulled a shirt on.

“Well I’d hope so. They probably think that we’ve died or something. Its already noon,” I replied looking at the clock for the time.

Zack and I walked into the living room where everyone else was just sitting around and drinking. I had to laugh at that. These were the only people that I knew that would start drinking before noon.

“Finally!” Johnny cried as Zack sat down across from me at the table in the kitchen. “You guys are so loud, next time tone it down or just don’t do it.”

“Johnny be thankful that Zack could restrain himself enough to keep it in his pants in the tent. Can you imagine have to pretend to sleep through that?” Matt laughed

I shot a glare at Zack and he knew instantly what it meant. If you ever want to do what they’re talking about again, get them to shut up about it. It made me uncomfortable to hear them talking about my sex life.

“Will you shut the fuck up?” Zack yelled silencing them, then beginning to laugh himself. “You know that Casey gets embarrassed easy.”

That was completely unexpected. But I laughed it off like the rest of the people in the room.

After everyone had been talking a while and Zack had watched his friend have numerous beers he moved to the char next to me and laced out finger together while quietly asking me if I cared if he had a drink. I was temped to say no, but knowing that Zack and I had been apart and not knowing exactly how strong our relationship was at the moment, I didn’t want to risk him getting mad.

“You want anything?” he asked pulling a bottle out of the cooler and setting it on the table by his seat.

“Water, please?” I answered opening his beer and taking a small drink out of it.

I saw him smile as I turned to put the cold bottle back on the table. “Sure you don’t want one of those?”

I shrugged, “What could it hurt. It’s only one.”


Apparently it could hurt a lot, because after you have one around these people they hassle you until you have another one, and another one. And having a hangover is a bitch when you don’t have Tylenol.

I opened my eyes the next day and immediately shut them, and rolled over burring my face into Zack’s chest while groaning in pain. My actions must have woke him up because he ran his fingers through my hair and lifted my head up so I was looking at him. “I’m sorry,” he apologized.

“What happened last night?” I asked quietly trying not to speak loud enough to make my head hurt more.

Zack took a deep break and let out a chuckle before answering, “Well after they got you away from the beer Jimmy poured you a shot of JD and after about two of those you pulled me with you back here but before anything happened you threw up out the window and passed out of the floor. It was quite funny actually. So, I put you in bed then went to talk with the guys some more then came to bed about an hour and a half later.”

“Seriously? I did all that?” I asked astonished.

“Yeah, you did. You’re quite a little firecracker when you’ve got a couple drinks in ya. I’m pretty sure you tried to give Johnny a lap dance before I pulled out off of him,” he laughed. “Aw, your so cute when you blush. It’s okay though, I’m sure no one remembers anything. They were all way worse then you were.”

Having him point out my red face made it turn even redder. I sincerely hoped that no one remember what happened last night. “What’d you do? You seem to remember everything,” I questioned.

“I watched out for you all night, I didn’t get to have any fun,” he pouted.

Both of our attention’s were turned towards the door as we heard someone walking away from our room. “Probably just Emily checking to see if we’re up.”

A couple minutes later and a couple lost shirts later, My cell phone decided to make itself known by vibrating loudly on the floor by the bed. “Your phone hasn’t died yet?” Zack wondered.

“Car charger,” I stated as if it were obvious.

His lips formed an ‘oh’ as I answered the phone wearily, “Hello?”

“I know your secret,” an unfamiliar voice said. If Zack had been the one to answer the phone, the whole house would have been awoke by his voice yelling profanities into the phone and demanding to know who it was.

But I was the one that answered it, and I was way smarter than Zack was. I’m sure my face went pale at first, then I heard something else. Someone in the background that wasn’t so smart. I snapped the phone shut and grabbed a shirt off the floor pulling it on not caring if it was on backwards or even inside out. I was pissed, and they were going to pay.

“Brian Elwin Haner Junior! Get your ass out here right now,” I yelled walking into the living room, receiving a groan from everyone that was in there already.

“Casey what’s going on?” Zack asked nearly running into me as I turned to go outside looking for Brian and Jimmy.

I just brushed Zack’s question off and continued looking for the guys. “They went outside about five minutes ago,” Matt told me.

The door flew open and slammed into the wall making a loud banging noise. I saw my targets sitting right in front of me on the hood of the car. When they saw my face theirs went from an amused look to scared a about a half a second.

“You are a dead man,” I shouted and took of into a sprint.

“Casey, what the hell is going on?” Zack demanded as he pulled me back before I could get to Brian.

“This fucker here called and was all like ‘I know your secret’ and expected me to be dumb enough to believe he was someone who we didn’t know!” I answered a little louder than was necessary.

He let me go and gestured towards Brian and Jimmy. “Have at ’em. They deserve it.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I would have so put a sex scene in there, but I can't write one to save my life. Trust me, I've tried and when I reread it it was awful.

But I updated! With a long update too! Sorry about the lack, I'm really going to try and just try to write a little for each update each day and post of weekends. So that means that this story will be update everyone other week, up until my new Syn story gets check by editors. (Someone reported it for plagiarism, when I just got the idea of him begin a ghost from someone, everything else I came up with) Then it will be updated every three weeks.

Then to top everything off I lost the paper that had the new storyline for this story on it. But I'm pretty sure I have it how I want it now. There will be 5 more chapters, making this story end at number 9. But one of them is really short(couple hundred words) but it's really necessary for the story to keep going.