Status: Finished

Break Out

Chapter 6

I was the first to hear the sirens. It was most likely around two or three in the morning and Zack and I had finally fallen asleep. I jumped up and grabbed my phone to light the path to the door so I wouldn’t trip over anything.

When I reached the living room where Brian, Johnny, Matt, and Jimmy were sleeping I stepped over Johnny’s pallet on the floor and peeked out the blinds. And there it was as clear as day. The flashing lights speeding toward the house. The police.

“Holy shit! Zack get in here, Johnny you need to hide,” I yelled and bent down to shake Johnny awake. Zack stumbled into the room pulling on his shirt.

Jimmy sat up on the couch and looked at me with a blank stare. “Why the hell are you waking me up the middle of the night?”

I rolled my eyes and looked over at Zack who was now hearing the police make their way closer to the house. “It’s the cops you dumbass. Johnny and Zack you guys need to hide! Go wake up Chris and Emily and find out where to hide, they’ve been here longer than us and they’ll know right where everything is,” I ordered while turning to peek out the window again. We didn’t have long.

Just as Zack went to turn away to go hide I grabbed his arm and pulled him toward me. “I don’t want you to leave again. You need to hurry, we’ll come and find you after the police are gone. Then we need to get out of here, this place isn’t safe anymore.”

He placed a kiss on my forehead before turning away and running to the back door of the trailer and followed Johnny someplace where they’d be safe. I took in a deep breath and looked around at the remaining people in the room. Matt was the only one that met my gaze and he offered a small smile. As if that would help. He motioned me over.

“It’ll be okay. They’re not going back to prison, you have my word on that.”

“You don’t know that,” I said as I started to cry. “Matt I can’t take being away from Zack that long again. He’s the world to me.”

And then the door was kicked in. About five police officers fled into the house and held their guns to us. Brian then spoke up for the first time. “What’s going on?”

“We’ve been informed that there were people here, and two men were recognized as the ones that recently broke out of prison back in California. Have any of you had any contact whatsoever with Zachary Baker or Jonathan Seward?” the police officer explained giving me a picture of the man I loved and one of my best friends. And in order to save them I had to do the one thing someone should never to do a police officer. I lied.

“No, sir, I haven’t,” I said handing the photos to the others who studied the pictures as if they recognized the guys then declined ever knowing of their existence.

The gave us looks like the doubted us. “Are you positive? These are very dangerous men that we’re dealing with, if you’ve seen them your putting yourself and others in danger by not turning them in. You know were required to search this house?”

I nodded, “I completely understand officer, but you’re not going to find anything.”


“Thanks for your cooperation Miss. Sorry to have bothered you,” the police officer apologized as they left after not finding anything on their little search.

We waited for five minutes after they were out of sight before asking Chris where he’d taken Zack and Johnny to hide. Which ended up being underneath the house.

“Are you ready to hit the road? We need to get out of here and far away by morning,” I whispered to Zack.
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Like it? Only two more chapters after this one.
