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Was It Just A Dream?

Well it's officially been 3 years since Ryan was murdered. I've had a what you call interesting life since then. I've been every everything. I murdered the guy that killed Ryan. His name was Kyle.

Turns out he was just jealous and wanted to date me but didn't want to ask while I was dating Ryan so he got into a fight with Ryan and then shot Ryan. After he told me this he asked me out. I slapped him across the face and then pulled out my gun from in my pants pocket and shot him between the eyes in pure frustration. More anger than you could believe. But then I have to ask myself once and a while was Ryan just a dream? Did he ever really exist?

Wait..what am I thinking I loved Ryan to death(literally.)
(No pun intended!) I don't know what I'm supposed to do for a job I'm done with being a stripper that didn't work. Only worked for about a year. Then I tried a bunch of other jobs.

And now I'm a drummer in a band. It's pretty sweet but I miss Ry-Ry. Ah. I still have that picture when Ryan was getting shot in my head. I play it back many a times and I still don't know how come I didn't dive in front of the bullet to protect him. I mean sure I'd be dead but what did I do for the world other than do things that no one cares about. Seriously. I really wish that Ryan was here. I don't know what I'm supposed to do without him. I cry pretty much every April 12. (The day Ryan died.) I'm depressed the night of the 11th and then all of 12th mostly if the 12th.

Well it doesn't matter now. I go to therapy for my problem.
They don't know what to do with me. I'm just a messed up piece of shit. No one cares about me.

That's been my life in a nutshell. I have no idea what's gonna happen next I'm just gonna roll with the punches I guess.
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This was originally going to be a one-shot but I decided to change it. Hope you enjoyed it!