Break This Awkward Silence

Ride escalators colder than a cell

“What the fuck are you doing here Brian?” Alex hissed as the two of them stood in the Haner’s backyard.

“Well this is my parent’s house Al.”

“Don’t get smart Brian, it doesn’t suit you. You knew I would be coming over here to pick up Gracie,” she pointed at him with the car keys still in her hand.

He shrugged and stuffed his hands in his jeans pockets, “I wanted to see my daughter.”

“Bullshit,” Alex replied, “You wanted to continue to wind me up. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’d brought Michelle along.”

“Now that you mention it - ”

She cut him off, “Don’t even go there.”

He shrugged again, “I don’t know what your problem is Alex. Maybe you should get yourself laid, relieve some of that tension you’ve got going on.”

Alex bit her lip and looked at the ground, rolling her eyes as she felt tears starting to build, “I’m glad you think this is just one great big joke, Brian. That tormenting me is some kind of entertainment for you. At least one of us is getting something out of this screwed up relationship.”

Brian folded his arms across his broad chest, “Don’t accuse me of making it weird between us. You were the one who left me and took our child with you.”

“What the hell did you expect me to do? I found out you slept with a groupie on tour, again. Did you think I was just going to pretend it never happened like I used to do? No, you thought I wasn’t going to find out,” Alex answered her own question.

“I can’t help it if I have needs that can’t be met at home and I have to go elsewhere to be satisfied.”

Alex blinked at him, his honesty stung,"I’m sorry if after running around after our two-year-old daughter all day means I’m too worn out to keep you sexually satisfied,” she spat.

“Don’t bring Gracie into this,” Brian said in a warning tone.

“Why? Don’t you think she’s gonna want to know what her daddy did that hurt mommy so bad she left him? You’re scared she’ll find out what kind of man you really are.”

“Aren’t you waiting for the day she asks you about her other grandparents and why she’s never met them? Are you going to tell her that mommy’s parents cut her out of their lives when she told them she was pregnant, that they didn’t want her to exist?”

Alex felt like she’d been punched in the stomach. Brian knew which buttons to push to hurt her and he had gone for the biggest one. He had been the one who had rocked her back to sleep all those nights that she would cry herself into hysterics.

“That was low,” she said softly as she stalked past him and back into the house.

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