Break This Awkward Silence

Stolen from my eyes

Brian shifted his weight from foot to foot as he stood on Matt and Val’s doorstep on Monday morning waiting for someone to answer the door.

“Oh, hey dude,” Matt said softly as he opened the door a little, “I don’t think you wanna be here right now.”

“What? Why?” Brian asked.

As Matt opened his mouth to answer Val appeared behind him and flung the door open wide.

“Brian Haner Jr. you son of a bitch,” she practically yelled at him.

He blinked at the small blonde in front of him.

“Alex called me last night, in tears. What the fuck were you thinking bringing up all that shit with her parents? And almost having sex in our bathroom?”

“You didn’t tell me that part,” Matt mumbled.

Val rolled her eyes at him.

Brian held his hands up, “Look I know I was an ass.”

Val cocked an eyebrow at him.

“Okay I am a huge prick who doesn’t deserve to be alive right now.”

“That’s a little closer to what I was thinking,” Val replied.

“That’s why I’m here,” Brian started to explain, “I love Alex and I love Gracie, to death. I want them back. I want Alex to take me back and I want us to be a proper family again. I’m prepared to do whatever it takes.”

“Why are you telling us this and not Alex?” Val asked, placing her hands on her hips.

“Because I need your help. I already fucked it up beyond belief once, I don’t want to do it again.”

Matt folded his arms across his chest, “Do you know how much you hurt her?”

Brian nodded, “Yes, and I’m never going to do it again.”

“Good cause if you do it again I’m not gonna hold Johnny back from kicking your ass like I did last time, I’ll be joining him,” Matt threatened.

Brian swallowed hard and nodded, he knew how much Alex meant to the other guys. He looked hopefully at Val and Matt.

“You’re going to have to grovel,” Val told him, “And it’s going to take a long time.”

He nodded, “I know. Whatever it takes.”

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