Break This Awkward Silence

Let's give them one more reason now

“You made it!” Val called when Alex found her in the kitchen of her fit to burst house.

“Who the hell are all these people?” she asked her friend, raising her voice over the sounds of Metallica blasting from the stereo.

“I have no idea,” Val replied with a shrug, “You look hot tonight.”

Alex looked down at her black jeans, purple halterneck top and matching purple peep-toed heels that added an extra four inches to her short 5’2” frame.

“Hey Al!” Matt called as he approached them, “Where’s the munchkin tonight?”

Alex grinned at him, “Sleeping over at her grandparents’ place. Why, you missing the pitter patter of tiny feet?”

Val rolled her eyes as she shoved a cold bottle of beer into her hands, “Drink this, mingle and stop encouraging him.”

Alex laughed as they wandered away into the living room and she began looking for some people she knew.

♥ ♥ ♥

Brian sighed as he downed his third beer of the night and wandered into the kitchen to collect his fourth. Brushing past some random girls he didn’t know he headed towards the refrigerator. Standing next to it was Johnny talking to a girl with her back to Brian.

He frowned as he looked at her, something about her was familiar. Her dark jeans hugged her legs and her shirt was completely bare at the back except for a sash around her waist that tied in a bow. His eyes skimmed over her sunkissed back and when they reached her shoulder he recognised the tattoos. It seemed that every time he looked at Alex she got hotter.

“Hey, I wondered where you’d got to,” Michelle appeared at his elbow.

He looked down at her short denim skirt and low-cut shirt, “I was just getting another beer.”

She handed him the bottle in her hand, “Johnny and Alex seem pretty close.”

Brian took a large swig of cold beer, “Yeah.”

"Wanna dance?" she slid her hand into his and pressed her body against his.

He looked down at her pretty face and shrugged, "Sure."

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