Lost in Stereo

But She's So

She sighed as the beat of their latest single kicked in.

I wanna feel weightless, wanna live it up just because.

The little bell rang on as the door swung open and people stepped inside. She got up from her slouched position at the counter and straightened herself out. She had short shoulder length honey blonde hair with a dark auburn under layer. Her hair was cut in to choppy layers, sort of like a scene kid, but a little more grown up. Her eyes were lined with a think coat of black eyeliner and mascara. It wasn’t a lot, but enough to make her nearly crystal blue eyes stand out.

Her clothes were different than those of where she had lived. Most of the girls in LA wore designer clothes, but she preferred small shops down the street.

“Rumor has it that All Time Low is wandering the streets of LA right now, according to their twitters,” The radio announcer said and laughed, “Maybe I’ll run in to them at the coffee shop!”

She smiled to herself at the guy’s lame joke.

“This is my favorite song by them. It’s Coffee Shop Soundtrack.”

“Excuse me,” A boy with shaggy brown hair and dark brown eyes said stepping up to the counter, “I was wondering if you had any blink-182 cds here.”

“Over there,” She said pointing to one of the racks.
“Thanks,” He said flashing a smile towards her, making her heart skip a few beats. Boy this kid was gorgeous.

Another kid walked up, he was a bit taller than the first, and skinnier too. He also had shaggy hair, but it was more of a dark color, sort of like her auburn under layer. He had a lime green v-neck on and black faded skinny jeans, complete with black and green Nike dunks.

Her heart must have done another flip, because she couldn’t remember what the boy just told her.

“Helloooo!” He said waving his hand in front of her face.
“Oh, sorry,” She said as her cheeks flushed pink, “What can I help you with?”

“What band do you recommend for a long ass drive back to Maryland?” He asked, leaning on his elbow against the counter.

“Well,” She said tugging at the hem of her shirt, “If you want to party your way there, go grab a copy of Nothing Personal or Boys Like Girls. Both of those are my personal favorites.”

“Thanks ……”
“Sadie,” She smiled.
“Sadie,” He repeated, he already loved her name.

“Yes?” She said turning her head back towards a man in a business suit.

“You’re taking off for the next four days?” He asked looking a little pissed.
“I sent in my request two weeks ago,” She informed.
“Where are you going for four days?” He questioned.
“Maryland,” She said and looked down at her phone in her pocket. Her shift was over. She grabbed her purse and stood in front of her boss, “I’ll see you in four days.”

“SADIE!” He yelled as she walked out the door. The two dark haired shaggy boys chuckled in the corner, but stopped as soon as her boss looked at them.

She stepped over to her 98 black Honda civic and unlocked the doors. She left the door open as she started the car, trying to cool the car off a bit.

She’s dancing alone.

The taller, skinner boy found himself laughing a bit when he stepped out of the store. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the girl sitting in her car listening to their cd.

“So you really like Nothing Personal, eh?” He asked, leaning on her door.
“What? Oh yeah, it’s really good,” She smiled brightly.
“You like the band a lot?”
“Going to see them in Maryland this week.”
“Are you staying there?” He asked, trying to hide his hopefulness.

“Yeah, a few blocks from where the guitarist lives actually.”
“Really?” He said as his eyes lit up.
“So Sadie,” He said with a plan in his head, “Are you driving all the way there?”

“Unfortunately, yeah.”
“Want a ride?”
“To Maryland?” She said shocked, “You’ve gotta be kidding me!”

“I’m sure Alex won’t mind sharing his seat,” He said and looked at the other boy who was staring at something in the store front.

“Like I could ride with All Time Low to Maryland,” She said sarcastically, “It would make my life if I could.”

“Let’s make that dream come true then.”
“And they’re going to be alright with this?”
“I’m sure the guitarist will,” He said hiding his smile.
“I’m trusting a stranger right now,” She said shaking her head and scribbling a few digits on to a piece of paper, “But here’s my number.”


A few hours later, Sadie found herself sitting in a small van on her way to Maryland. She was seated right between the guitarist and the bassist, both of which she had a thing for. Except the guitarist was much more of her type.

They had stopped at a gas station and Sadie had fallen asleep in Jack’s lap. Everyone had gotten out to go buy food or what not, but Jack stayed behind with Sadie. The only thing he could keep staring at was her lips. To him, they looked perfect. All he wanted to do was kiss her right then and there. He had his chance, and he was going to take it.

“Sadie,” He whispered, shaking her shoulders a little.
“Hmm?” She mumbled, opening her eyes slowly.
“Can I ask you something?”

“What is it Jack-o?” She said sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

“I wanna kiss you,” he said quietly, trying to avoid eye contact.
“What’s stopping you?” She smirked and leaned forward, holding his face with her hands and slipping her lips on his. She pulled away, leaving him speechless.

“I knew it was a good thing to take a chance on you,” He grinned.
“You look beautiful for one. Two, you have a wonderful taste in music,” he said and paused to search for a third reason, “Three, you’re a good kisser.”

“Well I won’t disagree with any of those,” She giggled. He put his arm around her neck, pulling her closer and kissing her again. His tongue grazed the bottom on her lip as she allowed hers to dance with his. The only thought running through her mind was that she was the luckiest girl in the world.

And Jack, well Jack was the luckiest boy in the world right now.

Lost in stereo, lost in stereo
Lost in stereo, lost in stereo

She works for the weekend
Mix tape of her favorite bands
Tearin' up the radio
Lost in the stereo sound

She's trouble in a tank top
Pretty little time bomb
Blowing up
I'll take you down
Living in the radio
Lost in the stereo sound

She's dancing alone
I'm ready to go
But she's so
(Lost in stereo, lost in stereo)
She's out of control
So beautiful
(Lost in stereo, lost in stereo)
And I've been
Waiting for so long
But she'll never know
I'm losing hope
'Cause she's so
(Lost in stereo, lost in stereo)
Lost in stereo, lost in stereo

Shake down on a Saturday
Sit back
Gotta catch my breath
'Cause every time I see her
I know she's gonna take it back somehow

Tattoos and a switchblade attitude
Snakebite heart with a bubblegum smile
Sex in stereo
Don't turn the radio down

She's dancing alone
I'm ready to go
But she's so
(Lost in stereo, lost in stereo)
She's out of control
So beautiful
(Lost in stereo, lost in stereo)
And I've been
Waiting for so long
But she'll never know
I'm losing hope
'Cause she's so
(Lost in stereo, lost in stereo)

And I'm just like cellophane
'Cause she sees right through me
I know she's glitter and gold
And that's just the price I pay
When I don't even know her name
She's slipping away

She works for the weekend
Mix tape of her favorite bands
Tearin' up the radio
Lost in the stereo sound

She's dancing alone
I'm ready to go
But she's so
(Lost in stereo, lost in stereo)
She's out of control
So beautiful
(Lost in stereo, lost in stereo)
And I've been
Waiting for so long
But she'll never know
I'm losing hope
'Cause she's so
(Lost in stereo, lost in stereo)
♠ ♠ ♠
so before ya'll start yelling at me.
let me explain a few things.

1. Sadie knows who All Time Low is, but she is more in love with their music, so she's lost in stereo

2. panic at the disco is break up. ryan and jon are leaving! :[
(and im not lying either)

3. any more questions, just ask :]