
I'm Calming Down

"Can I get another beer?"

"My fries are cold!"

"Miss, I need a refill!"



Ugh, Friday nights.

I slid up to the bar and grabbed the beers Mike set out for me. "Thanks Mike."

"Mackenzie, your order's up!"

"One second Kevin," I sighed, setting the beers on the table and rushing back to the kitchen.

"Shit! Cold!" I screamed as I felt liquid slide down the front of my shirt.

"Oh my god, Kenz, I'm so sorry!" Bobby exclaimed as he held the now empty pitcher in his hand.

"Don't...don't worry about it," I stuttered.

"Kaelyn, take Mackenzie's tables for a bit. Come on Kenz," Bobby instructed, grabbing my arm and dragging me into the employee room. "Take that off," he said pointing to my soaked uniform shirt and throwing me his sweatshirt.

"But, I can't..I gotta finish my shift," I argued.

"No, you gotta go home. Don't worry, I'll cover for you. I can tell you need rest...go get it," he laughed.

I sighed, "Thank you, Bobby."

"No problem. Oh yeah, I have something for you. Wait here."

"Ok." He darted from the room, returning a few minutes later with a small brown paper bag in his arms just as I was slipping his sweatshirt over my head. I glanced at the bag and gave him a knowing smile.

"I figured you were about to run out," he said handing me the bag.

"You're amazing!" I exclaimed as I dug in my purse and handed Bobby thirty bucks.

"Don't mention it. Now, go home!"

"Yes sir!" I kissed his cheek and ducked out the back door before my manager could see me.


The cab stopped outside my apartment complex and, before I was even out of the car, I could hear music blaring. I passed a patio full off people sipping from red plastic cups and dancing to the loud music and tried to be the least noticable as possible as I walked up the stairs to my apartment. It was only nine and already his party was in full swing. I wasn't surprised though. I've come home from work at five and found the patio filled with girls in short dresses and drinking martinis. I sighed. Why couldn't I be one of those girls? Why couldn't I be invited to one of his parties? Why couldn't he just notice me? Just once? I mentally slapped myself. It was a waste of time. I knew that,especially after living above him for almost a year. But I still couldn't stop myself from hoping that one day he'll see me. That one day he'll fall in lo...nope. Forget it.

I set the bag on the counter and pulled out the small bottles of Captain Morgen and Hypnotiq that Bobby had gotten me. Being only nineteen, I wasn't able to buy alcohol for myself, but thankfully I had a wonderful, and legal, co-worker who was nice enough to get it for me. I turned my radio on as loud as it would go and heard 'Buried Myself Alive' by The Used playing as I mixed myself a coke and rum and headed to my room to change. I pulled on a pair of ripped skinny jeans and an old New Found Glory band tee before crashing on my couch. I pulled my legs under me and tried my hardest to clear my mind as I sipped my drink. That turned out to be impossible since even my music at it's loudest couldn't block out the noise from downstairs. I downed the last of my drink and walked into the kitchen.

"This is hopeless," I groaned, grabbing the bottle of Hypnotiq and a pack of ciggarettes, and headed for the door. I snuck passed his porch once again and walked to the back of the complex. I walked down the hill and sat at the edge of the small creek that my apartment building backed up to. I slipped off my shoes and dipped my toes into the cold and refreshing water as I opened the liquor bottle and took a swig off the sweet alcohol. The music was still audible but it was less abrasive out here. I took another drink and layed on my back, staring up at the stars. It was a rare occasion to see them with the lights of Vegas around, but tonight they looked exceptionally bright. Closing my eyes, I sighed contently, and for the first time in what felt like a long time, I felt peaceful.

"Fuck! Ow!" I heard someone mumble from behind me.

Peacefulness gone.

The ground crunched behind me and I knew whoever had spoken was making their way towards me. I was preparing myself to tell the drunk idiot to go back to the party before they get themselves hurt, but then they spoke again and by breath hitched in my throat.

"Hey, could I, uh, can I bum one of those off of ya?" I turned around to face the man who had spoken and felt my heart drop into my stomach. He stood barefoot in pair of ripped black skinny jeans, what looked like two studded belts, and a tight red tee. His messy black hair hung in his eyes and looked like it had leaves in it. I'm guessing he had fallen in the grass, which would explain the cursing. His snakebites glinted in the moonlight as he shifted from one foot to the other.

"Um, yeah, of course."

I felt him sit down next to me as I grabbed the pack and handed it to him. Just like in a movie, our hands brushed slightly as I set the ciggarettes in his palm and I felt a jolt of electricity course through my body.

"Thanks," he said, lighting up.

"No problem," I whispered as he set them down between us. For a few moments it was silent, save for the sound of us smoking, but I found it to be comfortable. I took a drink of Hypnotiq which seemed to break his trance. He looked over at me and I offered him some, avoiding eye contact. I wasn't sure how I would handle that, and I really didn't want to find out then. He took a big sip, stubbed out his ciggarette and cleared his throat.

"I'm Max," he turned towards me and held out his hand.

I already knew that.

I looked at his hand then his face, still avoiding his eyes. Gently, I placed my hand in his and he firmly shook it. "I'm Mackenzie."

"Nice to meet you, Mackenzie."

"You too, Max." I smiled at the exihileration that I felt when his name rolled off my tongue.

"So, what brings you out here, Mackenzie?" I already loved the way he said my name.

"Just trying to find some peace and quiet. What about you?"

"Same," he laughed. "Even though I'm the one who's making that difficult for everyone."

I laughed too. "Oh, don't worry about it. I think we're all used to it by now." He gave me a confused look. "After living above you for a year, I'm pretty immune to all your noise."

"So that's why you look so familiar," he said in an 'aha!' voice.

"Um, yeah, I guess."

For the next hour, Max and I sat and talked and drank. We didn't pay attention to what time it was until we realized the alcohol was gone.

"Well, that's a bummer," I mumbled, turning the bottle upside down, watching the last drop slowly drip out of the top. Max and I both started laughing. I was feeling tipsy, which made it easier to act goofy around him.

"Max! Oh, Maxie-Poo!" A man yelled drunkenly from behind us.

"Oh, great," Max groaned. "One second!" He yelled. He got up and stood infront of me, holding out his hands. "C'mon."

I grabbed his hands and giggled as he pulled me up. "Where we goin'?"

"To get more booze...and see what my idiot friends have done to my place."
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