Status: This is the only way I know how to inform you guys why I haven't updated/whats going to happen.

So C'mon, Steal Me.


It’s funny how one minute everything is the way its always been, and the next- it all changes. In Olivia’s case, this was more than true.

Olivia Marie Flyzik. Her friends call her Oli, Liv, Livy or her favourite nickname; mini Flyzik. Yes, Matt Flyzik’s little sister. Matt and Olivia always got along, they shared the same friends and were like best friends. But like any older brother he always felt the need to protect her because she gets hurt easily and was really small. Needless to say, none of the sports she played taught her much grace, she was frequently getting hurt due to her clumsiness.

Some history is in order. It all started back when the Flyzik family first moved to Baltimore- Olivia was about six, and that was the day she met him.  Who is this he? Well he is her neighbor and best friend of roughly eleven years. He was the boy she grew a crush on in the 4th grade when he punched a boy who made her cry by saying she had cooties, and the boy who doesn’t see her as anything more than his best friend; Jack Bassam Barakat. 

Skipping the awkward years and fast tracking to when the butterflies multiplied and started to flutter in Olivia’s stomach whenever she’d see him. This all started back in freshman year when Jack had his first crush which soon turned into his first girlfriend. Olivia was unbelievably happy for Jack, he was incredibly adorable! He was this awkward little turtle with the sweetest things to say. That was when Olivia’s crush started to develop into something more. She thought about how she wanted someone to like her the way Jack did about Emma, but as the year went on she soon realized she wanted him to be the one to like her in that way.

In the summer of their Freshman year he and Emma broke up. Olivia was caught between two emotions, happiness and sadness. Happy, from Jack being single again, and maybe just maybe having a chance with him. And sadness from being a terrible person for being happy they broke up and for him being so completely devastated by the break up.

When Sophomore year started up again, Jack continued to date other girls which is when Olivia decided she’d try and push aside her feelings for him. That was when she dated her first boyfriend, Kevin. Matt hated him, along with all the other guys. But the hate for Kevin was nothing compared to how much they hated her second boyfriend Alden. Matt and Alex said, he’s a douche and he just wants to get in her pants. The others said, she could do so much better. And Jack said, he didn’t deserve her. Alden and Olivia started dating towards second semester of Junior year, and lasted throughout half of the summer. They dated for almost six months before she broke up with him- let’s just say it didn’t end well.

All this which brings them to the present, aka Senior year. It’s been over a month since Alden and Olivia broke up and Senior year was already being a pain. They were all in Senior year at Dulaney, except Zach who went to Towson HS and Matt who had already graduated the year before with Vinny. Their group was slowly becoming smaller. Classes went on as they always did and everything seemed to be in place, until Friday night- where everything began to change.
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Eeek! So this is being re-written from quizilla.
I'd love to know what you girlies think!
So comments would be pretty sweet.

Olivia Marie Flyzik