Status: This is the only way I know how to inform you guys why I haven't updated/whats going to happen.

So C'mon, Steal Me.


“Jack?” Olivia questioned, never happier to see Jack instead of Matt at the door.

“Morning Zooey--” Jack chimed as he waltzed in placing a kiss Olivia on head. The moment Jack’s lips left Olivia’s forehead, he paused for a minute.

“OHHH, I SMELL PANCAKES.” He yelled then ran into the kitchen.

Olivia followed swiftly once Jack dashed towards the kitchen, only to crash into his back moments later. She felt Jack’s muscles tense as he stood there as stiff as a board. Olivia instantly felt the tension build in the room, as she peered from behind Jack and took a place beside him.

“What are you doing here?” Jack’s question directed for Alden, his mood changing for the worst.

“Morning Jack!” Scotty chimed, the poor kid oblivious to what was going on.

“Breakfast.” Alden answered bitterly. In all honesty, Alden never liked Jack and the feeling was definitely mutual. The animosity between the two boys was unbelievable, if it weren’t for Scott being there was a good chance Jack would have attacked Alden or vice versa.

“Jack,” Olivia interrupted, hoping to ease the tension and calm his mood. “I made chocolate chip and blueberry pancakes, your favourite.”

Jack stared down at Olivia’s bright hazel eyes searching for answers with his own. It wasn’t until Jack finally nodded and pulled Olivia towards the table that she noticed his arm protectively around her waist. Scott moved and sat beside Alden, while Jack took a place beside Olivia. Scott smiled at Jack, which Jack returned, before leaving the table to watch more cartoons.

As Olivia watched Scott leave the room, she knew that once he left all the patience these two boys were holding in, was going to wear thin. Once they heard the TV Jack was the first to speak.

“You’ve got some balls showing up here.”

“Jack, don’t.” Olivia pleaded, but despite her request Jack continued.

“After what you did to Zooey, why the fuck would you show your face here?”

“Jack,” She begged.

“Back off, you have nothing to do with this.” Alden snapped towards Jack in a hushed tone. Both boys ignoring Olivia’s pleas.

“Oh, I have nothing to do with this? I was the one who had to watch my best friend cry for nights because of what you did!” Jack yelled quietly before looking down at Olivia.
“Why would you even let this douche in?”

Olivia looked down at her plate, avoiding the burning stares from the boys, both waiting for her reply but Olivia didn’t know how to answer that. Olivia didn’t know why she let him in, why she even gave Alden the chance once she saw him on her porch last night.

“I-I uum,” She stuttered, searching for the right words. Instead Alden cut her off, and as he spoke a smirk grew on his face.

“Liv can do what ever she wants, and if that includes letting me in her house, having me sleepover and breakfa-”

“Bullshit. I was here last night.” Jack cut in, his voice slightly raised from the hushed tone the two boys were arguing in. The smirk on Alden’s face only grew.

“Ask Liv, I was here last night.”

“I left her place after 3am, when the fuck did you have time to weasel your way in here?” Jack countered, trying to call Alden’s non-existant bluff.

“After you left.” Alden answered with a smug look. Now, adorning a large smirk plastered across his face.


Olivia kept looking down in hopes of avoiding the burning stare she could feel Jack giving her. She knew the look he was giving her, it was a mix of disbelief and worst; disappointment. Jack took Olivia’s silence as her answer, confirming all that Alden was saying was true.

“See dumb ass, she can do whatever she wants, and if that includes me well then there’s nothing you can do about it.” Alden seethed.

“Shut the fuck up.”

“Not like you can stop me.”

“How about when I beat the shit out of you, I think that would finally shut you up.”

“Do it! I’d like to see you try.”

With each retort the two got louder as their testosterone heightened.

“Stop it!” Olivia snapped, yelling over both of them. The two froze at her request, but kept their glares locked on each other.

Olivia held onto Jack’s arm and tugged it a bit so he would look at her. Jack reluctantly dropped his glare to look down at Olivia. The moment he did, his hard expression began to soften when his eyes met her pleading ones. Alden snarled as he stood up abruptly causing Olivia and Jack to snap our heads in his direction.

“So what, you’re fucking her now?” At Alden’s words Olivia’s mouth fell to the floor. “I can’t believe you’re still picking him over me, it’s like when we were dating all over again.”

Olivia’s face contorted, at the low blow. Her brows furrowed as her agape mouth closed and formed a tight frown on her pale lips. About ninety-five percent of the fights Olivia had with Alden while they were dating were about Jack. Alden was convinced that something was going on between the best friends and was always jealous of Jack. Olivia just couldn’t believe he would say it like that.

After seeing Olivia’s face, Alden’s harsh expression soften once he saw he hurt her. He let out a sigh, unclenching his teeth and relaxed for a second. Alden stepped beside Olivia on the opposite side of Jack.

Alden leaned down and whispered, “We’re not done talking, I’ll see you around babe.”

With each word his lip got closer to her own. “Thanks for breakfast.” He finished with his lips pressing against the corner of her lips. His lips sending a wave of shivers over Olivia’s entire body, just like it had every other time he would catch her off guard. He threw a smirk towards Jack then walked out.

Olivia was paralyzed, left to wonder what just happened? She finally snapped out of her daze when she heard Jack softly cooing her name.

“Zooey... Zooey....”

“Huh?” She questioned, her head snapping towards Jack.

“Are you okay?” Her best friend asked with a worried expression on his face. All Jack’s rage from just moments disappeared as he looked down at the girl.

“Uh, yeah, I think- umm, I’m okay.” Her thoughts crashed, leaving nothing but her rambles. Olivia cleared her throat finally getting herself straight. “I’m just, confused.”

“When did he come over?” Jack asked sheepishly.

“Last night, after you left.”

“Why did you let him stay over, do you still... like him?” Jack picked his words carefully, worried that if he chose the wrong one, she’d break. He was treating Olivia like she was a porcelain doll; fragile.

“He was... I mean- I couldn’t let him leave like that- if anything happened it’d be my fault. I don’t know. I care, but not like that, I mean...” Olivia rambled again, caught off by the straight forward question Jack asked. He gave her a questioning look, and Olivia clarified- blurting what came to mind first. “He was, drunk.”

Jack made an ‘O’ shape with his mouth, he paused for a minute still searching for the right words.

“Do you, I mean... you still have feelings for him, don’t you?”

Olivia looked into Jack’s eyes, straight into his eyes, hoping she’d find the answer there. But once she couldn’t she answered, “I-I don’t know. It’s complicated.”

Their eyes locked, and it remained that way as Olivia saw a small smile take form on Jack’s lips.

“We don’t have to talk about this now, if you don’t want to.” She smiled at his words then nodded thankfully. She knew Jack understood her, and that when she was ready she’d talk to him about it, he wouldn’t need to push the subject, he would just need patience.

“But if you need to, I’ll be here.” Jack finished.

“Thanks Barakitten.” Olivia smiled as he pulled her into a hug, the two sitting like that for a while.

“For you Fly-zoo; always.” With that Jack kissed her head and the two acted like it didn’t happen, everything went back to normal. As they continued to finish their breakfast, Olivia spoke first,

“Hey Jacko...” She started.


“Please don’t tell Matt.”
♠ ♠ ♠

How is it so far?
Again, you don't have to, but comments would be lovely.