Status: This is the only way I know how to inform you guys why I haven't updated/whats going to happen.

So C'mon, Steal Me.


The weekend passed, as did the week. It was currently Thursday. So far, Olivia found herself lucky Matt hadn’t mentioned anything about the previous Friday night, except Eric’s party. Matt kept raving, saying it was sick and Jack and her should have gone. Jack kept Olivia’s secret as she knew her best friend would.

Olivia sat in her AP chemistry class, waiting patiently for the bell to sound- and to leave to her third block, before lunch. This was one of her few classes without any of the boys or friends for that matter. AP chemistry not being so popular among them, among anyone for that matter seeing as the course was brutal. Since the boys were M.I.A Olivia found herself bored in the back of the class, with her book open and her chin resting on the vandalized wooden surface of her desk. She used her book as a shield from Mrs. Daniels who sat at the front of the room while she had her ipod, listening to it on shuffle mode. Olivia pulled this off rather frequently, Mrs. Daniels never bothering her seeing as she did relatively well in the class and was a quiet student, keeping to herself and never causing much of a fuss. Olivia guessed that as long as she kept up her grade and did her work, she wouldn’t be bothered.

Olivia sat in her seat quietly, reading the instructions for tomorrows lab while making preparation notes when the bell rang. Olivia popped out her earphones and stood up, straightening out her loose black tank top under her old flannel she stole from Matt and adjusting her grey roughed up skinny jeans. Olivia closed her book and pulled open her canvas messenger bag sitting beside her desk. As she shoved her oversized and overweight books into her bag, she heard a voice behind her.


“Kara!” Olivia beamed at the relatively tall girl in front of her with long brown hair and looked like she could be a model. “Since when were you in my AP Chem class?”

“Since today.” Kara winked while Olivia shoved the rest of her belongings inside her messenger bag quickly. “I was going to shoot myself in the head if I had to deal with Mr. Granger in Bio one more day.”

“Ah, I see.” Olivia laughed. “But how come I didn’t see you before?”

“Because you were hiding behind your textbook fort, and probably had your earphones in, am I right?” Kara joked, as the two girls walked towards their third block. “I was stuck over there with Laurel and company.”

Olivia rolled her hazel eyes towards the group of girls Kara gestured towards, knowing exactly what Kara was hinting towards. Laurel stood by her locker twirling her blonde hair and snapping her gum while Amy and Cassia stood there like the pretty little dolls that they were. Its not that Laurel had something against Olivia or the other way around, they just were polar opposites and it didn’t help that Laurel had a crush on Olivia’s brother, Matt. A scowl appeared on Olivia’s make-up free face for a brief moment before responding to Kara.

“I am so sorry you had to suffer through that, did they talk about my brother again?” Olivia laughed, before smiling at Kara. As the two walked down the halls Olivia quickly scanned the crumpled piece of paper dictating Kara’s schedule. The girls noted the new similarities between their schedules and walked to their third block together.

“When do they not? Matt! Oh Matt!” Kara mocked, rolling her eyes.

The girls sat restlessly throughout their third block waiting for lunch, where they’d join the boys, as per usual.

“Isn’t that Matt’s Oli?” Alex noted as he scanned Olivia. Olivia simply nodded knowing exactly where Alex was going with his insinuations. “Oli! Why don’t you ever look like a girl?”

“Alex, just because I don’t wear mini skirts and tight t-shirts doesn’t mean I don’t look like a girl.”

“Common babe, would it kill you to try? I mean, you’ve got a nice rack, and a hot little body. I know what’s hiding under there.” Alex smirked as he tugged on the loose fabric of Olivia’s black tank top under Matt’s flannel. Olivia’s face quickly flushed before she swatted his hand with a hiss. The boys just laughed thinking Alex’s misogynistic cracks were hilarious.

“Shut it Alex.” Kara warned, defending Olivia like she always did.

“I was only kidding Kara.” Alex rolled his eyes.

“Whatever I’m going to grab a drink.” Olivia said to no one in particular as she stood up and stalked off towards the lunch line. Jack mumbled something to the table following Olivia, but not before slapping Alex across the head.

“Why are you such an ass to her Alex?” Kara growled, turning so the conversation would be kept between the two of them.

“I’m not being an ass.” Alex defended popping another fry into his mouth. “Oli should just start looking more feminine if she ever plans to catch Jack’s eye.”

At his words Kara’s eyes grew wide. Her voice was low as she leaned forward so only Alex could hear. “How’d you know? She wouldn’t tell you of all people.”

Alex matched Kara’s leer, “You’re right, she didn’t tell me. But I’m not blind Kara, its obvious. I’ve seen the way she looks at him, even Matt’s noticed from time to time.”


“Yeah, that’s why I keep hassling Oli to doll up. There’s no way he would notice her as more than his best friend if she doesn’t tease his cock a bit.” Alex leaned back, his terms earning a scowl on Kara’s face.

“You’re disgusting Alex.”

“What? It’s true. I’m a boy- I would know.”

“Whatever. If Oli did ‘doll up’--”

“HAH!” Alex laughed loudly in Kara’s face. “Like Oli ever would doll herself up!”

"As I was saying, if Oli did doll herself up- I don't see how it wouldn't make a difference. She'd still be the same girl."

"On the contrary, showing off her tits would make all the difference."

"You're a pig Alex."

"Whatever. And its not like Oli could pull off the girly thing anyways."

“If she really wanted to she could!”

"Yeah, and I'm not really British."

"She could!"

“Oh is that a challenge I hear?” Alex smirked, only granting a cold glare from Kara. “How about we make a little wager?”

“Oh, what are the stakes?”

“Here it is. If you can get Oli to girl herself up, and keep it up for a whole semester- without letting her know about the bet, than I will lend you my car whenever you want it all second semester. But if you lose and Oli goes back to being her tomboy self before the end of the semester, than you have to pay for my gas all of second semester.”

“Hah! Say goodbye to your baby Gaskarth.” Kara laughed accepting the bet.

“Oh trust me, its not going to be that easy.” Alex grinned deviously shaking hands with Kara.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took so long! I had a nasty case of writers block with this one, I scrapped three ideas before I stuck to one. D:

I know it was kinda scattered but don't worry its going somewhere. (:

Olivia's outfit