Status: Slowly but its coming. :)

I Killed my Ex-boyfriend


"Andy, you know you could always wait it out another week. No one will-" My mom started.
"No Mom, it'll just be harder next week and the following weeks after that. I need to get this day out of the way until it gets easier." I shared, even though my mind was telling me to not go.
"Alright it's your choice honey," Mom was currently rushing Vera to get ready for school.
Even though Vera adored Julius, I couldn't bring her to the funeral, she just wouldn't understand what was going on.
"Andy," Vera started in an innocent voice, "Why doesn't Julius come around anymore?"
Oh, this is the start of a wonderful day, I thought to myself. I shared a look with Mom, "It's because he's with angels right now honey." Mom quickly explained.
Or he's just going to be haunting me for a very long time, the annoying little voice in my head stated. The sound of a quick beep took me out of my thoughts.
"Bye guys," I left before I heard any response. The ride to school was very quiet with Dom, she thankfully knew when not to bother me.
The walk into the school building was hard, especially trying to keep my head held high. My fellow classmates stares follow me as I walk down the hallway. I can hear their whispers and the unanswered questions, but I keep walking to my locker. My locker had never seemed so far away until today. Out of the corner of my eye I notice a brave soldier come out of the crowd, he approaches me like a wild animal would come to a person with food in their hand. I blacked out for the first time of my life.


Waiting in the principals office for my mother to arrive wasn't the best thing to start off my first day back to school. Kids who passed by the office pointed and stared as if I was a caged animal eating my own feces. My mom didn't look too pleased when walking into the office. It turns out she wasn't entirely angry at me.
"He walked up to my daughter and asked 'Why'd he do it?' What did you expect her to do, give him a hug?!" My mother screams at the principal, slamming her fists on the table.
"She had the choice of walking away, and she didn't take it."
Sadly I'm not proud of what I did. It was just one of those rare moments where I black out, and my body just reacts. Apparently I had to be dragged off the boy, who had a black eye, bloody nose, and a seriously cut lip. Mom was really embarassing me with her fight with the principal. After a few moments of peaceful, yet terrifying, silence Mom walked out.
"You understand why I'm doing this right?" My principal, Mr. Longhorne, quietly asked.
"I do," Mom was waiting impatiently outside. "I should probably go, how long am I suspended for?"
"Two days, you're lucky I can see why this situation could cause what you did to happen. Next time I won't be too lenient."
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Ok I re-posted this because as the author I wanted to clear up the beginning of this chapter when the mom says she can wait another week. It was confusing to me as the author to just let you guys sit there and wonder why she was telling her that. In my mind Andy had permission from the school to wait out a week after Julius died. And that's about it. If you already understood that just tell me if you didn't then I guess you're welcome. :D

As usual tell me what you think, I'll end this if you post a hate comment about it :D or keep doing it just to bug you ;)

Tell me how awesome I suck!!!!