Status: Awesomely awesome.

Spiderdom and the Quest for the Sky Cat

in which we meet dr. dementia and spiderdom.

“An average day in Metropolopolopolis! The sun is shining and the people are smiling. When suddenly, a building blows up, killing thousands and injuring millions more! Who is behind this act of travesty? Why it’s Dr Dementia! Who will save us now?” Dr Dementia said in a deep, mocking voice. He laughed to himself and soldiered another bolt down. Dr Dementia wasn’t one to brag, but this had to be his best plan yet. He indulged himself in a rare smile and connected a few more wires. OK, maybe he was one to brag. This was going to be electric.

“Anything else, s-sir?” Dominic, his pathetic chaperone squeaked from his place in the corner of the room.

Dr Dementia grunted. “Yes. Get me a latte. My throat is dry.”

“Y-yes, sir.” Dominic scurried off. Dr Dementia looked down at the doomsday device he held in his hands.

It was so beautiful.

He stood on his toes to grab something from a top shelf, looking over his shoulder for any paparazzi that may have been hiding, waiting to snap a picture of him almost falling off his tower to retrieve something from a not-so-high shelf. Dr Dementia wasn’t very tall. Then again, he didn’t need to be tall. Geniuses never were. He told himself that every time someone made fun of his size. Of course, Dr Dementia wasn’t his real name either. It was Matthew. Matthew Bellamy. Matthew Bellamy wasn’t exactly the name for a super villain such as himself, so he changed it. Dr Dementia sounded so much more … evil. He was incredibly thin, with bony arms and legs and cheekbones that jutted prominently from his face. A face of … evil. His hair was black, spiked up over his head absurdly, like some sort of hedgehog. Resting on his forehead was a pair of circular goggles, complete with an elastic strap. He thought they made him seem more … evil.

Dominic took that moment to barge into the room, almost spilling his latte all over the floor. Dr Dementia turned to take the latte and noticed something. Red. Poking out from under his shirt. He frowned. “Dominic?” he queried. “What is that under your shirt?”

Dominic looked down and paled. “A vest?” he squeaked.

Dr Dementia nodded. “Ah.” He snatched the latte from Dominic and turned to leave. “Stay here and don’t touch anything.” He walked out of the room importantly.

Dom rolled his eyes. “Stay here and don’t touch anything,” he mimicked, prodding the nearest thing he saw. “See if I care, Matty. See if I care.” He flicked a bundle of wires and grinned. “Dominic? What is that under your shirt? Well, Matt, why were you looking there in the first place, huh? Why?”

Dom was taller than Dr Dementia, but not by much. He was slightly more well-built, with large eyes, a long nose and messy dark blonde hair. He often wondered how he’d become roped in with Dr Dementia at all. He told himself it was because he was trying to save the world, but part of him knew it was because they’d been old school buddies years ago. Before Matthew went funny, that was. He always used to talk about ruling the world, but Dom always thought it was just his mild schizophrenia. And then, when they were in university, Matthew started veering towards the darker side of science, trying to develop bombs and brainwashing capsules. None of them worked, of course, but he still tried.

Dom sighed and scratched behind his left ear. Sometimes it was hard pretending to be someone he wasn’t. That is, pretending to be Dominic Howard the pathetically average servant to Dr Dementia the evil super villain. That was hard. Because, you see, behind the mask, there was… another mask. This time, the one that proclaimed him to be Spiderdom, the hero that saved the world.

Or tried to.
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This goes out to all those crazy Muse fans on the Muse thread (duh).

'Specially Lime, who made me think of Indiana Jones with her title idea, which was where I got this title from.

I love you guyz. <3