Status: Awesomely awesome.

Spiderdom and the Quest for the Sky Cat

in which amie throws up a meatball.

“First of all, what the hell is that?” Lime asked, pointing towards Amie.

That is Amie: she’s made of pasta.” Dom answered from beside her.

“Just because I’m made of pasta doesn’t make me deaf.” Amie announced from her place across the room.

Dementia was in one corner trying to talk to Bee, Amie was on the other side of the room, trying to escape Tom, Dom and Lime were standing in front of the fireplace and Dash was sitting with her feet up on her desk, getting tired of all the boring “drama”.

“If you’re fighting Dementia, do speak up a little, I can barely hear what you’re saying.” Dash called.

All of a sudden the door to the room was knocked down with a large bang and in the doorway stood the Chrisonator.

“Great, more guests.” Dash muttered to herself, once again examining her fingernails; this pandemonium wasn’t very violent, which defeated the purpose.

“HA! I knew I’d find you here!” Chris announced from the doorway.

“OK… so who’s that?” Lime asked no one in particular.

“The Chrisonator.” Both Dom and Matt answered at the same time.

“Oh… am I interrupting something? I can come back later if you want… I didn’t think you guys were busy.” Chris didn’t want to interrupt something important, and he definitely didn’t want to ruin a party. For all he knew it was someone’s birthday.

“If you’ve got something interesting to say or if you’re going to start a fight come on in.” Dash answered lazily, spinning her chair around slowly.

“Oh no, it’s okay… HOLY WHACK! What is that thing?” He pointed towards Amie.

“That’s Amie, she’s my love, one day we’ll get married.” Tom answered, looking at Amie lovingly.

“Oh… alright then… I’m going to go now…” The Chrisonator backed out the door while everyone resumed their conversations.

The indecipherable noise was broken off by Dash. “Look, while I’m very happy you’re all fighting and whatever, I feel I have to say that unless you’re all here to buy mushrooms or something get the hell out of my slaughterhouse. Either get out or get interesting, either way do something and stop wasting my oxygen.” Everyone stared at Dash silently for a few seconds.

Suddenly Amie started making some weird noises, if any had been looking at Dash they would have seen her face light up – things were interesting again. Amie threw up a meatball which landed on the carpet with a soft thud.

The silence that followed was broken only by Lime’s soft, “Ew. That was gross.”

All of the people in the room looked towards Lime, gobsmacked by what they had just seen… and interested as to what was happening. It’s not every day you see a girl made entirely out of pasta, let alone a girl made entirely out of pasta throwing up meatballs.

Once she was finished, Amie straightened herself up and met the gaze of all the sets of eyes in the room. “What? What?!” Everyone averted their gaze.

“Well, this has been sufficiently weird, now all of you get the hell out before I kill you.” Dash announced in a warm voice, sending the message that she was being sarcastic, but her body language and the look on her face said it all: “Leave or die.”

They chose to leave, as would anyone who was fond of breathing. Dementia stayed behind to talk to Dash quickly.

“That was interesting, wasn’t it?” Dementia asked as Dash sat on her desk.

“If you call no one fighting and everyone being all boring and touchy-feely “interesting”, then yes, it was very interesting and not a total waste of time.”

“Dash, I need to ask a favour.”

“No.” Dash shook her head to emphasise the no.

“Come on, it’s not a big one or anything.” Dementia pleaded.

“No, I don’t want to hear it! Go ask your little man-child toy-boy thing over there, he’s evil enough to deal with this crap. After all that touchy-feely stuff I need to go injure something.” Dash pushed herself off the table and wandered out the door, shuddering just before she passed the door way; she would have to get someone to clean this place, it had a certain stench to it now.

“What? Dom’s what?” Dementia asked himself.

Something was up… Dom was evil? That didn’t make sense. It was up to him to figure it out. Almost like a treasure hunt! Except instead of getting treasure you got information… but it would be worth it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have nothing to say except the following:

Muse board. Yadda yadda yadda.