What Happens in Scotland

On the Plane with an Hour to Go

June 19

We woke up really early. Had some early morning crisis (I kinda couldn't find my passport), hopped in our friends car, and were on our way to the GK train station. Waited for about 20 minutes, took that train to the next one, which connected to Colonge. We flew out on germanwings - which is a big airline but a small airplane.
(p.s. - this is all added after the trip, well, all except for the following)

I'm sitting on the plane (^ that's obvious) and i really don't have anything to do except write adn listen to my music. I have the window seat, and it's awesome. We are taking the GermanWings flight line and this plane is so tiny!! The seats are gray and red and boring, but I guess the people who designed it expected you to have something to do.

Gotta put stuffs away. Ready to land.
♠ ♠ ♠
I calculated the time wrong - we jumped back an hour and I didn't think we'd been on the plane that long.